The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1071
BID: $OPDX.1071
July 23, 2012
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, WP3GW, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4JF, W5KNE, KH6BZF, AA7JV, K8GI, K8YSE, WB8BBQ, W8GEX & 60m News, W9ILY, 9M6DXX, AT International, CO8ZZ, DK8JB & The DX News Letter, DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, F6FQK, G3SWH, G4IRN, HA0HW, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK7XIV, IW3SQY, IZ2LSC, OH1MN, ON4LN, ON4TO, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site, Sixitalia Weekly, TA3J, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE3ZIK, the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) and YF1AR for the following DX information.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 15th-July, through Sunday, 22nd-July there were 209
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3,
C5, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY9, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FK,
FM, FO, FO/a, FP, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0,
HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J3, J5, J6, J8, JA, JD/o, JT,
JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD,
OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S5, SM,
SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TT, UA,
UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP8,
VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV,
Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
2O12, ENGLAND (Update - Special Event Amateur Radio Station for the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games)
Publicity Liaison Officer
John Warburton, G4IRN, sent out the following "Press Release #5" on
July 16t:
"As a celebration of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, two flagship amateur radio stations will be active during the Games as part of the Cultural Olympiad.3B8, MAURITIUSThe Cray Valley Radio Society is to host England's celebration from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, home to many of London's events outside the main Olympic arena. The call-sign used will be 2O12L (two Oscar one two Lima).
A similar amateur radio celebration is happening in Barry, south Wales, where the call-sign will be 2O12W (two Oscar one two whisky).
Both teams are looking to make as many contacts as possible throughout the world during the Games, particularly with countries participating in the Games. They will be operating 24/7 from Wednesday 25th July until Sunday 9th September and will be open to the public from Thursday 26th July. The London station will be open from 10am to 4pm and the Welsh station from 10am to 5pm daily.
Commemorative QSLs will be available for both stations, QSL details are on the web site. It is hoped that Clublog and LOTW uploads will be made during the event.
For more information about the stations, their locations, operating frequencies etc., their web-sites can be found at and ."
Moise, F4EZG, will once again be active as
5R8VE, but this time from Nosy Alanana (AF-090) in the Tamatave region
between September 1-3rd. Activity will only be on 20 and 15 meters.
QSL via F4EZG.
Zik, DK8ZZ/VE3ZIK/YT3ZZ, will be once again be active as
9A/VE3ZIK from Croatia between June 24th and August 18th. This time he
will be focused on 6m, WFF and IOCA (Island of Croatia Award) activity.
Prior to RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th), he will be active from Zirje
Island (EU-170 & CI-151). QSL via DK8ZZ, by the Bureau or LoTW.
Ignacio, EA2BD, will be active as 9H3BD until July 30th.
Activity will be QRP on 20 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home
Operators John/9M6XRO and Steve/9M6DXX will be
active as 9M4SLL from Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051)
between August 7-13th. Activity will be on all bands from 80-10 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY, using two stations with linear amplifiers to
vertical antennas on the edge of the ocean. Spratly Islands are ranked
29th in the current The DX Magazine ‘100 Most Needed Countries’ survey
(world-wide, mixed modes), up from number 32 last year. The QSL Manager
for 9M4SLL is Tim Beaumont, M0URX. QSL direct with SAE + 2 USDs or 1 new
9M6XRO and 9M6DXX would like to thank the Malaysian Prime Minister's Department National Security Council for granting the operating permission from Layang-Layang Island. They would also like to thank Amid Drajak, 9W6ABD, of the MCMC licensing office in Kota Kinabalu for issuing the 9M4SLL licence, as well as the President of the Borneo Amateur Radio Club, Hamid, 9W6MID, and Rahim, 9M6RHM, for their help in obtaining the licence. Pekka, OH2YY, was of great help with the initial planning of the trip.
Finally, thanks go to Vicky Lee of the Layang Layang Island Resort for her help in making this operation possible. (Note for users of computer logging programs: The 9M4 prefix is issued to special event stations that may be anywhere on Malaysian territory; this includes the DXCC entities of West Malaysia, East Malaysia or, as in this case, Malaysian islands in the Spratly group.)
Arnold, WB6OJB, will be active as A25JB from Botswana
between July 24-31st. Activity will be on HF bands, 40-10 meters using
mostly SSB with some CW. QSL direct to his home callsign.
CG3, CANADA (Special Event)
Members of the Niagara Peninsula Amateur
Radio Club (NPARC, VE3VM) will be active as CG3B until the end of the
month of July. Activity is to celebrate the 200th Bi-Centennial of
Friendship between Canada and the United States of America. Operations
has been on 80-6 meters, CW, SSB and the satellites. Frequencies are
available on QSL Manager is VE3FOI. All contacts will receive
QSL via Bureau system.
German operators from the RRDXA will be active
once again as CR3L during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 29-30th)
as a Multi-? entry. This team has won the 2009, 2010 and 2011 competition
from their QTH in Santana (Northern part of the island). The crew is
still looking for one or more good contest operators on this mode. The
length of stay on Madeira is one week. Communication: English and German
languages. If interested please contact Hans, DL1YFF at:
More information is available on Han's Web page at:
The CY9M St. Paul Island DXpedition is
expected to be active this week between July 26th and August 1st. The
team of five operators will have six Elecraft K3 transceivers, four
amplifiers, three Hex Beams and a number of other antennas. They will be
active on all bands between 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital
modes. Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1826.5, 3526, 7026, 10106, 14026, 18076, 21026, 24896 and 28026 kHzAll contacts will be verified via LoTW after their activity, and for those who want paper QSLs, Tim Beaumont, M0URX, will be the QSL Manager. The log will be available through ClubLog.
SSB - 3793, 7185, 14215, 18160, 21295, 24950 and 28485 kHz
RTTY - 7035, 10145, 18105, 21090, 24925 and 28090 kHz
6m - 50105/CW and 50105/SSB
The following was posted on their Web page Wednesday, July 18th:
"With under week to go before the CY9M team leave their respective homes for the journey to St. Paul Island, we are happy to report all radio equip- ment has arrived safely to Nova Scotia and now in secure storage. Ad- ditional items such as generators will be collected as we travel to Bay St Lawrence, NS. QRV date of July 26th is unchanged. Look for some of the team to sign VE1/home call on July 25th. See you in the pileups!"PRESS RELEASE #4 (Dated July 20th) - RSGB IOTA Contest Participation (July 28-29th):
"The CY9M team will participate in the IOTA contest next weekend giving both DXCC and IOTA hunters the chance to confirm NA-094. Our contest operation will be limited to 20 meters only please do not ask for a contest exchange on other bands.TOPBAND NEWS - CY9M on Topband next weekWe will operate both SSB and CW modes throughout the contest. The contest log will be merged with the regular DX operation, so there is no need to work us twice. Your contest contact will be valid for DXCC.
The CY9M QSL card will be used for confirmation and the log will be uploaded to LoTW. Contest log will be submitted to the RSGB IOTA Committee.
CY9M St Paul Island Expedition starts next week, visit our website at If you like to help out, please go
"Greetings, This Tuesday I am boarding my flight with destination Halifax, Nova Scotia, to be part of the 10 man team going to CY9 St Paul Island this week. I have gotten several requests from my Topband friends, so I thought I'd hand out some brief information about our operation here.Remember, the following media pages are available for this operation at:CY9M will be active on Topband during the few dark hours we have available to us. We will use a top loaded vertical based on the 18 meter Spiderbeam pole with elevated radials.
Depending on WX, we have zoomed in on two possible landing sites, one where we will have more space for antennas (Atlantic Cove) and the other will have less space but better takeoff in more directions (North Island). For, RX we have prepared both for pennants and beverages and will use what possible depending on location. We will use K3 radios and Acom 1011 amplifiers and DXE RX preamps.
A special thanks to the topbanders who contributed to offset our costs, including the support from TBDXC to help offset the costs for shipping an Acom amplifier to be used for topband.
Main operators on topband will be N2WB/"Wild Bill", AB5EB/Mike and me (SM0MDG/Björn).
Our activity on Topband will most likely commence in the evening of August 26, and we are schedule to leave St Paul August 1st, so the last night will be July 31st. And as always, dates and times are dependent on weather and sea conditions.
Also worth mentioning is that we will have a dedicated 6 meter station with main operator VE3EN, "Solarham" Kevin."
D6, COMOROS (Update to OPDX.1067/Web Page Change)
It was announced this
past week that the D64K DXpedition to Ngazidja (Grande Comore), Comoros
Islands (IOTA AF-007), which will be active between August 8-20th, has
changed their Web page. The following was sent out: "Due to continuing
problems with our web platform, we decided to migrate to a new system.
Our new web address is:
With more and more DXpeditions putting
their videos on YouTube and other Web services, we decided to list them
(possibly) each week. For this week's listings:
2010 - 3B8/IZ4AKS & 3B9/IZ4AKS DXpedition:
2008 - TX5C Clipperton Island DXpedition: (Part 1) (Part 2)
2002 - K1B Baker Island:
1990 - 1S0XV Spratly Island (w/Romeo, UB5JRR):
If you have a DXpedition 'video' available on the Web and would like to have it listed in the OPDX, PLEASE send the URL to use and we will publish it.
EF8, CANARY ISLANDS (Cancelled/Rescheduled)
Luis, EA8AY, has cancelled
his activity as EF8X from Tenerife Island (IOTA AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA
1276, EAA TF) during the RSGB IOTA Contest. He has been invited to go with
a Multi-Op station in other island. However, Luis has announced that he
will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 24-25th) as a Single-
Op/All-Band entry. QSL via W2GR.
Operators Manuel/EA8ZS, Marino/EA8DP, Jesus/EA8RY,
Tony/EA8AKN, Domingo/EA8CST, Severo/EA8NL, Dunia/EA8MT (YL), Felipe/NP4Z
and Luis/EA8AY will be active as EF8U from Gran Canaria Island (AF-004)
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via
EA8URL. Visit:
Tsuyoshi, JJ2NYT, will be active as FK/JJ2NYT from
Grande Terre (OC-032) between July 29th and August 2nd. Activity will
be active on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via his home
Operator Giacomo "JACK", IZ3DBA, will be on
a holiday style IOTA DXpedition to activate some islands from Sardinia
and the Island of Corsica between July 22nd and August 17th. Here is his
tentative schedule:
July 22-28th - La Maddalena Island (EU-041); callsign IM0/IZ3DBA
July 30th-August 5th - San Pietro Island (EU-165); callsign IM0/IZ3DBA
August 7-12th - Corsica Island (EU-014); callsign TK0/IZ3DBA
August 13-17th - Sardinia Island (EU-024); callsign IS0/IZ3DBA; Activity
for WAIP AWARD - new province Ogliastra (OG), Medio-
Campidano (MC) and CarboniaIglesias (CI).
His activity will be 80% on CW and 20% on SSB (NO DIGITAL MODE) using an ICOM IC-7400 w/100w into a vertical antenna HM (by Ampelio/IK3JBP). QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau, direct, eQSL and LoTW. See ( for details.
AS-006. Paul, R2AD/W8AY, will be active as VR2/W8AY from Lamma Island,
Hong Kong, between July 28-30th. Activity will be active on
80-10 meters using the CW and SSB modes, and a TS-480 into a
GP antennas. He will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
28-29th). QSL via R2AD, direct or by the Bureau.
AS-099. Berkin, TA3J, will be active as TA3J/0 from Yassica Adasi (Yassica Island, WW Loc. KM38KJ) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/DXpedition/SSB-Mode/12HRS/Low- Power entry. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters. QSL via the TA3J QSL Service at:, direct (only SASE and 1 IRC, no green stamps please) or by the Bureau. No eQSL. SWL QSL cards are OK. Twitter: @TA3J
AS-105. Operators Sungki/HL1IWD, Aves/DS2AGH, Harry/WX8C and Jussi- Pekka/OH6RX will be active as DS0DX/2 from Kanghwa Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op/ Multii-Mode/High-Power entry. QSL via HL1IWD.
AS-105. Kim "Tai", DS2NMJ, will be active as DS2NMJ/2 from Yonghung Island between August 12-13th. Activity will only be on 15 and 12 meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau; if possible, you want to use direct.
EU-004. Andrea, IZ2LSC, will be active as EA6/IZ2LSC from Menorca Island (WLOTA 2988, EAFF-061) between July 24-30th. Activity will be holiday style on the HF band 30-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. He will take part in the RSG IOTA Contest (July 28-29th). QSL vis his home callsign, by the Bureau, direct and LoTW. His logbook page is at:
EU-008. Members of the Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club (CPSARC) will once again operate from the Isle of Tiree (IOSA NH04, WAB NM04), the most westernly part of Scotland's Inner Hebridean Islands, during the RSGB IOTA (Islands on the Air) Contest which runs from 1200z, July 28th to 1200z, July 29th, using the club's special contest callsign GM2T. Look for pre-contest activity by the members signing as MM0CPS/P. This year's team consists of: Cambell/MM0DXC, Bob/GM4UYZ, John/ MM0JXI, Brian/M0RNR, Gary/MM0FZV, Cephas/ MM0INS, Robin/MM0VTV, MM0VPR, Geoff/MM5AHO, Steve/MM0GZA, Ellis/GM4GZW, Bob/GM4IKT, Brian/G3UJE. QSL GM2T via the Bureau, or their QSL Manager GM4UYZ, by the Bureau or direct. Also use LoTW and eQSL. Details are available at:
EU-030. Carten, OZ4CG, will be active from Bornholm Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/CW-Mode/Low- Power entry. QSL via his home callsign.
EU-054. Sal, IT9BXR, will once again be active as IF9/IT9BXR from Favignana Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/CW-Mode/24HRS/Low-Power entry. QSL via IT9BXR.
EU-073. Members of the IJ7A DX-Contest Group are pleased to announce
their DXpedition to St. Peter Island, in the Cheradi Group,
between July 26-29th. Activity will include the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op entry. The team is
composed of the following operators: Gianni/I7PHH, Davide/
IK4DCT, Vin/IK7IMO, Art/IK7JWY, Piero/IK7VJX, Roby/IK7XIV,
Bartolo/IW7ECA and Luigi/IZ7PDX. QSL via IK7XIV. See their
contest Web site for more details at
EU-096. A group of operators will be active as OH10TA from Kustavi
Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-
Op/Low-Power entry. Preparations are been done and antennas
are being tested for the activation. They will also have
equipment for 6m. Locator is KP00PN. Kustavi Island is approx.
70km northwest from Turku City. QSL via OH1MN.
EU-096. Riku, OH2CI, will be active as OH2CI/P from Kustavi Island
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/
CW-Mode/Low-Power entry.
EU-110. Operators Silvo/S50X, Krajcar/S52P, Vinko/S53F, Drgan/S55Z and
Franc/S56UGB will be active as 9A8ZRS from Sveti Ivan Island
(CI112) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-
Single entry. The group will be on the island between July
24-30th, using 2 stations on HF and possibly 6/2m as well.
QSL via S57L. QSL will be sent automatically by the Bureau.
EU-124. Members of the Dragon Amateur Radio Club will be active as
GW4TTA/p from Holy Island (Anglesey) during the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op/Island entry. Operators
mentioned are Stewart/GW0ETF, John/GW3VVC, John/MW0BER and
possibly others. The team will use simple wires/verticals.
QSL via GW4TTA by the Bureau or LoTW.
EU-125. Operators Gaby/DF9TM and Frank/DL2SWW will be active as
OZ/homecall from Römö Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/12HRS/High-Power entries.
DF9TM will operate on SSB and DL2SWW will be on CW. QSL
via their home callsigns by the Bureau.
EU-129. A German group will be active as DM3X/p from Goermitz Island
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op
entry. QSL via the Bureau.
EU-136. Kordic, 9A4KJ, will be active as 9A4KJ/p from Rab Island in
the Kvarner IOTA group during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
28-29th) as a Single-Op/Mix-Mode/12HRS/Low-Power entry. He
is expected to be on the island between July 26-29th. Activity
will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters using a Kenwood TS 140S into
a vertical, Inverted Vs and dipoles. QSL via his home callsign.
EU-140. Members of the OH5AD group and possibly others will be active
as OG5A from Kuorsalo Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 28-29th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via OH5AD.
EU-146. Operator Ron, ON6CQ, will be active as PA/ON6CQ from Schouwen
Duiveland, Netherlands, during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
28-29th) as a Single-Op/SSB entry. QSL via ON6CQ, by the Bureau
(preferred) or LoTW.
EU-170. Operators Alen/9A3MA, Ivo/9A1AA, Zlatko/9A2EU, Rolando/9A3MR,
Rax/9A3BMR and Zik DK8ZZ/VE3ZIK/YT3ZZ will be once again be
active from Zirje Island (CI-151) but as 9A0D (first time using
this call) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a
Multi-Op/Single-TX/DXPN/Low-Power entry. All QSOs will be
automatically confirmed via the Bureau. However, if you need
a direct QSL, please send it to DK8ZZ.
EU-170. A Hungarian team will go to Pasman Island (CI-085), Croatia,
this year again. The team will be active between July 24-31th,
from two villages - Tkon (JN73RW) and Kranj (JN73QW). Activity
will be on the HF bands and 6m, using CW, SSB and the Digital
modes. They will take part in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
28-29th) too. Look for the following operators (w/QSL routes):
EU-172. Henning, OZ1BII, will be active as OU2I from Aro Island
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/
Low-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign.
EU-174. Laci, HA0NAR, will be active as SW8LR from Thassos Island
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/
CW-Mode entry. He will be on the island between July 25th
and August 1st. QSL via his home callsign.
EU-177. Matthias, DL3KUD, will be active as SM5/DL3KUD from Kättilö
Island between July 27-29th. Activity will include the RSGB
IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/CW-Mode/24HRS/
Low-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign.
EU-178. Juri, ES5GP, will be active as ES5GP/8 from Kihnu Island
between July 25-30th. His activity will include the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 28-29th) on all HF bands on SSB. QSL via his
home callsign.
EU-181. Operators Stan/LZ1GC, Dechko/LZ1QV, Boyko/LZ1QN, Boris/LZ2JR,
Nasko/LZ3YY, Lliam/LZ1CNN and possibly others will be active
as LZ0I from Sveti Ivan Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 28-29th) as a Multi-Single/DX/High-Power entry. QSL via
LZ0I (by the ( address) or by the Bureau to LZ1BJ.
NA-010. Alan, VE1AL, will be active from Cape Breton Island during
the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/
Low-Power entry. QSL via VE1AL.
NA-081. Operators John/VE1CDD, Barry/VE1TRI, Alan/VA1MM, Fraser/VE1WO,
Sheldon/VE1GPY and Greg/VY2MP will be active as VC1X from
Little Tancook Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
28-29th) as a Multi-Op/Mixed-Mode/High-Power entry. QSL via
NA-091. Rob, VE7RSV, will once again be active as VE7RSV/P from
Broughton Island (CISA BC-026), located in the Broughton
Archipeligo just east of Port McNeil towards the Mainland,
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/
SSB-Mode/24HRS/Low-Power entry. He usually uses a FT-857
with a G5RV antenna about 35 feet high. He prefers to QSL
direct or by the Bureau.
NA-137. Several members of the Long Island DX Society will be active
as N1LI from Long Island, ME, during the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 28-29th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via N1LI.
NA-148. Scott, NE1RD, will be active as NE1RD/1 from Lovell Island
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/
SSB-Mode/24HRS entry. QSL via his home callsign.
NH8, SWAINS ISLAND (Press Release)
A big thank you goes to John/N7CQQ and Paul/W8AEF for their time in
building and testing the SVDA's that will be used. Thanks also to Paul/W6XA
and Tom/N4XP for testing the radios, amps and laptops. All of the equipment
has been shipped to Arnie/N6HC in California for the upcoming departure
via cargo ship later this week.
The QSLing will be handled by Joe/AA4NN with help from his XYL Margarett.
Plans are to upload logs daily by satellite phone from the island to
We are very grateful to our equipment sponsors, including: ICOM,
Elecraft, VIbroplex, Innovantennas, DX Engineering, Heil Sound, Primus,
Hi-Z Antennas, and The RF Connection. Also to Kimo, KH7U, for the 160m
vertical, and George, W8UVZ, for the Battle Creek Special.
We have updated our Web site with pictures, operating information and
links. Thanks to John, K6MM, for doing the webmaster duties.
There will be a great emphasis placed in working Europe where Swains
is most needed. We will have several receiving antennas aimed that
It will be very hot and humid, and mosquitoes should be plentiful, so
please have patience with the operators. We ask that you listen to the
operator instructions to ensure we are able to work as many stations as
This tent and generator operation is a very expensive endeavor, and
the group is most grateful for the foundations, clubs and individuals
who have already contributed. For those that would like to donate, you
may do so from our Web site at:
OZ12, DENMARK (Special Event)
PT0. ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS (Update/Funds Needed) Although there have been some small operations from this
entity, it remains high on the most wanted list because conditions on
the rocks are tough and a lack of level space precludes a large and
traditionally equipped operation. PY0S is No. 16 on Clublog's most wanted
list. George mentions that although they will work all the HF bands, they
do have a low band focus. This time they would like to take things one
step further and make PY0S easily available on all bands to small and
midsize stations (as well as the big ones). They intend to achieve that
even on 160 meters. The need for large antennas for serious DX on 160m
has discouraged many small urban amateurs from getting on that band,
where they feel they can not compete with the big guns in the pile-ups.
The proximity of PY0S to NA (and EU) creates a unique opportunity to
activate a rare location that could be worked by modest stations from
NA and Europe. They intend to make sure that this possibility is fulfilled.
This will likely create a new level of excitement and increased activity
on 160 meters. They have also developed a new beam antenna that will allow
them to work very modest stations on 20, 15 and 10 meters. Additionally,
led by PY5CC and PY2XB, they will also make a serious 6 meter effort.
George states, "This will be a tough and costly mission for us. We will
have to have a minimal environmental foot-print, while we want to make
sure that we give this rare entity to as many hams as possible in the
relatively short time frame available. We want to do our best, as we know
that there may not be another DXpedition to this place for a long time.
The team is looking for financial assistance for this very crucial DX-
pedition. In the past, Tomi and George have covered all expense (less
donations received) and used their own gear. They did not mind roughing
it on some remote island without much support (and on the cheap). This
time, however, they are working against serious obstacles that are proving
to be costly to overcome. They can not fund this operation themselves.
They hope that clubs/associations/individuals would be able to help them.
They most certainly promise to work hard to make the entire HF DX com-
munity, happy. Please remember that this DXpedition will take place in the
late November to mid December 2012 time frame. The actual dates will
depend on weather conditions and will be announced later on their Web
site. An "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) will be set up on their Web
site for both direct or Bureau QSLs. For direct cards via the mail, QSL
via HA7RY (read details on the Web page). The log will be uploaded on
LoTW, generally within 36 hours of the QSO taking place. For further
information, please visit:
QSLS RECEIVED VIA MAIL: 3D2AM (1990 Conway Reef; via YASME), 3D2YA,
4Z5MU, 6O0CW, 9L0W, 9M2AX, A5A, E51M, F4BKV/p, FK8CE, FK8DD, FP/NM7N,
HS0ZIN, JR7ISY/JD1, KH2Y/KP1 (1993 Navassa; via OE1ZKC), LZ1JZ,
and ZA1G
V8, BRUNEI (Ops Needed)
YB67, INDONESIA (Special Event)
Help: Subject:help
OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME (provided by John, K8YSE (
9A/HA7PL Operator Laci; via Bureau or direct
9A/HA6NL Operator Laci; eQSL, by the Bureau or direct
9A/HA6PS Operator Zsolt; via Bureau or direct
9A/HA6PJ Operator Jani; eQSL, by the Bureau or direct
9A/HA7JJS - Operator Sanyi; by the Bureau or direct
Jul/23rd AN Jul/26th AN Jul/28th HN
Jul/24th AN Jul/27th HN Jul/29th HN
Jul/25th AN
----------------- ------ -------- ------
AN - Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7
HN - High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15
LN - Low Normal Active K=3 16-29
BN - Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49
DIS - Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99
VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400
KP4, PUERTO RICO (Special Event)
Members of the Movimiento Radioaficionados
de Puerto Rico will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Constitution of
Puerto Rico with the special event callsign K4C on July 25th, from the
Julio Enrique Monagas National Park in Bayamon. They will operate from
10 to 40 meters SSB and their local net of repeaters from 1400z on. QSL
info is via WP4NPC.
Phil, G3SWH, will activate the special callsign M0RSE on CW
only on all bands over the weekend of 18th and 19th August, 2012. All QSOs
will be uploaded to LoTW immediately after the weekend. There will also be
an on-line log at
The following press release was sent
out on July 16th [edited]: "Swains press release # 2
ON85, BELGIUM (Special Event)
Craig/K9CT and
Joe/W8GEX are happy to report that preparations for the NH8S Swains
Island DXpedition are on schedule. The 20 man international team should
be on the island from September 4th, thru September 17th. Swains is # 31
most wanted worldwide. They will operate all bands with SSB, CW and RTTY.
Eric, ON4LN, President RCL, informs that
the members of the Radio Club Leuven (RCL) will celebrate their 85th
anniversary this year. They will be active using the special callsign
ON85RCL from their RCL club shack and proudly. Activity begun on July 1st
and will last until December 31st. Operations will be on all bands (6m
if condx) and on various modes. For more info, see under ON85RCL
or ON4CP.
In connection with the largest Scout and
Guide Jamboree ever held in Denmark, a special event station with the
callsign OZ12SJ will be - very - active during the period between July
21-29th from Holstebro. Five "Jamboree On The Air" stations will be
active on all bands. The activity includes many different JOTA activities
within Amateur Radio and is supported by EDR, Eksperimenterende Danske
Radioamatører, and members will be helping to activate and demonstrate
the hobby to the Scouts. The activity also includes a license course and
the option of actually taking a license test on site. The callsign is
expected to be active in the DMC RTTY Contest, CQWW VHF Contest and the
RSGB IOTA Contest QSL via the Bureau.
George, AA7JV,
informs that his TX3A partner, Tomi, HA7RY, and himself have teamed up
with the Brazilian Aruacaria group to activate St. Peter and St. Paul
Rocks under the callsign PT0S. As you may know, the Brazilian Navy has
placed a permanent ban on DXpeditions to the rocks. Due to the efforts
of Atilano, PY5EG, the Brazilian Navy made an exception and has given
them permission to operate from the Rocks. This is a "once in a lifetime"
opportunity to both activate the place and to prove to the navy that
Amateur Radio is not incompatible with the operation of the scientific
mission there.
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated July 22nd)
9H1AB via 9H1MRL EO73U via UT7UU PA/F6BFH/P via F6BFH
CQ73I via CT1EHX GO3SVK via G3SVK UE95K via RV3YR
CR6K via CT1ILT (d) GO3UOF via GW3UOF UK8OAG via 4Z5OG
D2QR via RW6HS (d) GO4RCG via M0OXO VP2MSJ via W5JAY
(d) direct only (B) Bureau only (L) LoTW
QSL CO8ZZ via DK1WI. Raul, CO8ZZ, was active this past weekend during
the CQWW VHF Contest on 2 and 6 meters.
Stefan, DL4ST, will be active as T6SS from from Mazar-
e-Sharif until end of September. Activity will be a on the HF bands, but
so far it has been mainly on 20 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL via
his home callsign.
The "Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club" (CERAC - TP2CE)
will be active as TP8CE during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th).
Operations will take place before the contest, starting July 27th, and
are usually on all HF bands and modes, possibly the satellites. QSL via
F5LGF. An online log search will be available at:
Haru, JA1XGI will be active as V63XG from Yap Island
(OC-012) between December 5-12th. Activity will probably be on 20-6
meters (especially 30/17/12m) using mainly CW, with some SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the Bureau. QSOs will be
uploaded to LoTW. Look for updates and details at:
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW, team leader of the next
DXpedition to Brunei, announced that they are looking for some CW operators
for the upcoming V84SMD DXPedition, November 11-23rd. If interested, please
contact by E-mail to Gabriele at:
Steven, AA7V, will once again be active as
VP2V/homecall from Virgin Gorda (Tortola) between September 26th and
October 1st. QSL via AA7V.
Several sources are reporting that
Kosovo, former province of Serbia, shall receive its full sovereignty in
September, almost four and a half years after obtaining its independence.
Stay tuned!
Henning, OZ1BII/OU2I, will be active as XP2I from club
station XP1AB in Kangerlussuaq between September 13-17th. Activity will
be CW only. QSL via his home callsign.
Look for members of the YB Land DX Club
(YBDXC) to activate special event station YB67RI between 0000z August 10th
and 2400z August 17th. Activity is to celebrate the 67th anniversary of
the independence of Indonesia. Activity will be on all bands and modes.
QSL via YB2DX direct or LoTW only. NO YB Bureau cards.
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