The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1511
BID: $OPDX.1511
April 12 2021
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent from Strongsville, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster Networks, Intrepid-DX Group, NJ1Q & W1AW, K3LR, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, W4VQ, WA4DAN, N6PSE, WW6RG, K8PYD, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, W9EWZ, W0GJ, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JI3DST, Rebel DX Group, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information. "Celebrating 30 years (March 1991) of FREE DX News" DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 4th/April, through Sunday, 11th/April there were 212 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/n, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9L, VP2E, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3, Z6, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later". 3Y/B, BOUVET ISLAND (The Major News of the Week!).......... * If you missed OPDX Special Bulletin (OPDX.1510.1 - Press Release from the Intrepid-DX Group, dated April 4th), here are excerpts from the press release and Web page -- The Intrepid-DX Group will team-up with Intrepid Norwegian DXpeditioner Ken Opskar, LA7GIA, to activate Bouvet Island (the #2 Most Wanted DXCC Entity), between January/ February 2023. In January 2023, 14 men will board the Braveheart in Capetown and make the treacherous voyage to Bouvet. They will plan to spend twenty days at Bouvet and weather permitting, they plan to have 14 to 16 good days of radio activity. The callsign will be 3Y0J, and they will be active on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8/FT4 modes. From their Web page (, the current 3Y0J team consists of Paul/N6PSE (Team Co-Leader), Ken/LA7GIA (Team Co-Leader), Axel/DL6KVA, Jun/JH4RHF, Kevin/K6TD, Laci/HA0NAR, Steve/W1SRD, Rune/ LA7THA, Bill/N2WB, Rob/N7QT, David/WD5COV, Erwann/LB1QI, Adrian/KO8SCA and Mike/AB5EB, with Honorary Team Members John Snuggerud/LA1VC (SK) and Dr. Charles E. Brady Jr./N4BQW (SK). The 3Y0J Support Team consists of Tony/EA5RM (Chief Pilot/EU Pilot), Lucas/W6AER (West Coast Pilot & Webmaster), Peter/W2IRT (East Coast Pilot), Hal/JR4OZR (JA/Asia Pilot), Mason/KM4SII (Youth Pilot), Siso/HK3W (South America Pilot), Luke/VK3HJ (VK/ZL Pilot) and Charles/M0OXO (QSL Manager). No real- time or online log will be available, however they will do daily uploads to ClubLog for Log Searching and Statistics. Log search and busted callsign functionality will be available on the M0OXO website. The 3Y0J team is looking for funding, and details are available on their Web page. Each team member will contribute a minimum of 20,000 USDs each and your donation will be spent on securing the budget of 764,000 USDs. Once again you can follow their plans from their Web site and the 3Y0J Facebook pages: * NCDXF NEWS (Press Release, dated April 4th)[edited] -- The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) is pleased to announce it will be a major contributor (100,000 USDs) to the Intrepid DX Group's 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition planned for January/February 2023. Bouvet Island is currently #2 Most Wanted globally on the ClubLog list. NCDXF-supported DXpeditions have activated many of the ten most- needed entities. NCDXF-funded DXpeditions during Cycle 24 have put well over 1 million QSOs into DXers' logs! We expect to continue this mission for Cycle 25 and beyond. The ( has details of the 2023 Bouvet Island DXpedition. DXpeditions to rare entities like Bouvet Island that are so remote are becoming more expensive and difficult to reach, a trend that we believe will continue. In the last three years, two DXpeditions have attempted activation of Bouvet, but severe storms damaged ships that were so very close. NCDXF's primary purpose is to help fund well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities like Bouvet Island. During the last 49 years, NCDXF has granted nearly $1.3 million to hundreds of DXpedi- tions - helping to put an "all-time-new-one" (ATNO) in the log and make DX happen for thousands of DXers worldwide. The credit for these large grants goes to the NCDXF contributors, individuals and clubs who support the DX community. Without those contributions, DXpeditions to entities like Bouvet or other desirable locations would not be possible. If you agree with the importance of NCDXF's work, and if you are not a current contributor, we hope you will become one today by going to ( Your contribution will continue to help make DX happen. You can also support future DXpeditions by including the NCDXF Cycle 25 Fund in your estate plan. We wish the Intrepid DX Group a safe and very successful trip to Bouvet Island. 73.... Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, NCDXF Secretary * Bob Schenck, N2OO, INDEXA President, reports that the International DX Association (INDEXA) is a proud supporter of the 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet! * Reports indicate Central Arizona DX Association (CADXA) became a proud supporter of the 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet! * From DXEngineering News: Paul, N6PSE, Co-Leader of the January 2023 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island is the special guest on this weeks episode of the Weekend Special with Tim, K3LR! The video is just under 30 minute on on the DXE channel at: * REBEL DX GROUP (Update, April 4th) -- FIRST UPDATE [edited]: Folks, Due to the hundreds emails today regarding our plans for 3Y0I, the answer is nothing changed after 3Y0J publication. We are on track for this year activity from Bouvet Island by the end of the year. SECOND UPDATE [edited]: PRESS RELEASE - 3Y0I, BOUVET 2021 BY REBEL DX GROUP -- First of all, we would like to wish the recently announced 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition all the best for a successful activity in 2023. There is enough space for even 3 more activities from 3Y0 land. We know how much detailed planning goes into a project like this and cross fingers for them. From a Rebel perspective, the 3Y0J announcement does not change our plans. December 15, 2021, is when we plan to leave Cape Town and again head south into the Roaring Forties and Furious Fifties before attempt- ing a Bouvet landing. We absolutely know from experience how volatile the seas around this most remote island are. Our team of 8 operators aim to spend up to 30 days on Bouvet. Depending on weather, we will likely spend 7-10 days each way on the high seas getting there and returning. Once on the island and our camp is set up, we will run 8 stations covering 160-6m. Modes include CW, SSB, FT4/FT8, RTTY and OQ100. The total budget for our Bouvet DXpedition is considerably less than that of 3Y0J. We also have had no backing from any of the DX foundations. Nonetheless, we are now missing only 32,000 USDs from our final cost of 267,000 USDs. We absolutely hope between now and December we can accrue this missing amount, and appeal to all generous donors to help us with our final push to meet target. More info will be posted soon. ------------------------------------------------------ 2021 CQMM DX CONTEST (Update). Ed, PY4WAS, continues to remind us that it is less than 1 week away that the CQMM DX Contest will take place between April 17-18th, and it is organized/coordinated by the CWJF Group. For more details see: Here are some of the announced stations that will be on the air are: 3DA0AQ - QSL via EA5GL 5Z4PA - QSL via M0URX's OQRS, ClubLog or LoTW CP6UA - QSL direct only or LoTW, "no eQSL" EK6RL - QSL via direct FK8IK - QSL via direct HI3DX - QSL via direct NP2J - QSL via K8RF; SOSB 40m; High-Power OA1F - QSL via: Elena P. Moran, Rua do Codestal 5-3 Dcha, 15405 Ferrol (A Cornua), SPAIN OA4DX - QSL via direct TG9ADM - QSL via EA5GL TG9AOR - QSL via EC6DX ---------------------------------------------------- 2021 CTU (Virtual Event). Tim, K3LR, announced the following [edited]: 2021 CONTEST UNIVERSITY Live via Zoom Webinar (free) - Thursday May 20, 2021 * REGISTRATION OPENS April 21, 2021 go to: Each speaker will talk for 45 minutes with 15 minutes after for Q&A. 9:00 AM EDT (1300Z) Welcome to CTU by W8CI and K3LR 9:05 AM EDT (1305Z) WW2DX speaker "Cloud Contesting - Live Demon- stration" - moderators NN1C and W9KKN 10:00 AM EDT (1400Z) W3LPL speaker "Preparing Your Station for Competition" - moderators NN1C and W9KKN 11:00 AM EDT (1500Z) M0DXR speaker "Contest Categories "Make the Most of Your Entry" - moderators W2NAF and KM3T Noon EDT (1600Z) - Last 12 months - Contest Operator Silent Keys by K1AR and CONTEST BREAK 12:30 PM EDT (1630Z) DK6SP speaker "Youth - the Future of Contesters" - moderators W2NAF and KM3T 1:30 PM EDT (1730Z) UA9BA speaker "Contesting From Russia" - moderators K5TR and N5KO 2:30 PM EDT (1830Z) CT1BOH speaker "There is Nothing Magic About Propagation" - moderators K5TR and N5KO 3:30 PM EDT (1930Z) NC0B speaker "Transceiver Performance for the HF DX and Contest Operator" - moderators K1AR and N3RA 4:30 PM EDT (2030Z) Wrap up N9JA and K3LR 4:35 PM EDT (2035Z) 2021 CQ Contest Hall of Fame Presentation - K1AR * FOUR ICOM HF Radios will be given away during CTU at random times. You must be registered in Zoom and present during the random time drawing. More information is here: Special Thanks to Hamvention, Icom America and DX Engineering for donating the radios and to for website hosting. 2021 Virtual Contest University will be recorded and available on YouTube after the event is over. ... 73, Tim K3LR, Contest University Chairman ------------------------------------------------------- 4X, ISRAEL (Special Callsign). Israel, 4X1OM, is sometimes active as 4X9AA from Ein Vered at the "Lev-Hasharon (private) Museum for History of Tractors and Agricultural machinery". ( WW Loc: KM72LG and Holyland Square: G-12-HS. QSL via Bureau, eQSL or LoTW. 60 METERS NEWS. Joe, W8GEX, reports in his "60 Meter DX" newsletter: "There have been 245 countries on 60 meters so far with the latest being A25RU from Botswana. Stations were wall-to-wall trying to get into his log." Recent activity reported: 3D2AG, 4X1MX, 5W1SA, 7X2RF, A25RU, A71AE, BA7IO, C31CT, C6AJB, E51WL, KH2L, KH6U, T77C, UN7CN, UN7MAU, V31MA, VE1YX, ZD7MY, ZF1EJ and ZS2EZ. Visit: A3, TONGA (Update). Masa, JA0RQV, will once again be active as A35JP from Tongatapu Island (OC-049) between May 30th and June 30th. Schedule might be changed due to Covid-19. He states, "This time, I will be stationed there as a resident supervisor of the international corporation project." Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. Equipment is an IC-7300 w/100W into a Vertical antenna. QSL via LoTW and ClubLog, or direct w/2 USDs or by the Bureau via his home callsign JA0RQV. He states, "If you need paper QSL, please be patient to receive it because I will be able to issue paper QSL after I return to Japan in November 2021. Please do not send SASE to my home address." He also mentions, "During the period, if possible, I will try to activate some outer islands again such as Niuatoputapu (OC-191), Niuafo'ou (OC-123), Vava'u (OC-064) and Ha'apai (OC-169). Details will be announced once decided." For more details and updates, visit his Blog page at: CY0C SABLE ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). Murray, WA4DAN, sent out the following on April 10th: "The Sable Island CY0C DXpedition team was informed this week by the Parks Canada-Sable Island manager that our scheduled October 2021 Sable DXpedition would have to be postponed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, because of the pandemic, Parks Canada is behind on their island maintenance projects and the Visitor Quarters will not be available for the DXpedition team. The Sable Island manager did extend an invitation to the team for October 2022, which the team unanimously accepted. Obviously, the Sable Island DXpedition team is disappointed in not being able to follow through with the 2021 CY0C DXpedition. Hopefully the solar numbers and propagation will be much improved in October 2022. Since the 2021 CY0C DXpedition is not possible, the Sable DXpedition team is offering a couple of options to the many foundations, clubs and individuals who have already sent financial support. We are offering complete refunds to those who request a refund. If you would like us to apply your contribution to the 2022 CY0C DXpedition, that will be available as well. Any refund requests should be directed to WA4DAN. The CY0C team would like to thank the many foundations, clubs and individuals for their continuing support. Perseverance will pay off! 73, Murray Adams WA4DAN 2022 Sable Island DXpedition Team Leader EH4, SPAIN (Special Event). Members of the Radio Club Henares (EA4RCH) will activate the special event callsign EH4WRD from San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, between April 12-18th, during the 2021 World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via EA4RCH. II5, ITALY (Special Event). Look for special event station II5RCH from Grosseto between April 18th and May 9th, to be active during the 35th anniversary/memorial of the Chernobyl disaster. QSL via the address on or via the Bureau to IZ5RHU. IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past week between April 5-10th (as per the DXCluster): IOTA Callsign Island/GROUP Bands/Modes ------ ---------- ------------- ------------ AF-004 EA8AT CANARY 30m; CW/FT8 AF-004 EA8DHV CANARY 20m; CW/SSB AF-019 IG9ITO Lampedusa 40/20m; SSB AF-022 ZD7FT ST HELENA 20m; SSB AN-015 8J1RL QUEEN MAUD LAND 20/17/15m; FT8 AS-003 4S6NCH SRI LANKA 17m; FT8 AS-004 5B4XF CYPRUS 17m; SSB AS-007 JH3NGD HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-013 8Q7MS MALDIVES 30/15m; CW EU-002 OH0Z ALAND 40m; CW EU-005 2E0HXS/P GREAT BRITAIN 20m; SSB EU-005 G0HWK GREAT BRITAIN 17m; SSB EU-005 M0KVK GREAT BRITAIN 40m; SSB EU-005 M0MCV GREAT BRITAIN 40m; SSB EU-005 MM0ZBH GREAT BRITAIN 30m; CW EU-015 SV9ANK CRETE 17m; SSB EU-015 SV9IOI CRETE 17m; SSB EU-018 OY1R FAROE 20m; SSB EU-021 TF3MH ICELAND 20m; FT8 EU-023 9H1AZ MALTA 40m; FT8 EU-024 IS0AWZ SARDINIA 20m; FT4 EU-025 IT9IJF SICILY 40/20m; SSB EU-031 IC8ATA Procida 20m; SSB EU-048 F4HXJ/P GROIX 40m; SSB EU-049 SX200RMA NORTH AEGEAN 20m; SSB EU-067 SZ200ERS KYKLADES 40/30m; CW EU-079 LB5GI Sandsoy 20m; FT8 EU-089 CU8AI WESTERN 40m; CW EU-115 GI0LDI IRELAND 20m; SSB EU-116 MD0CCE ISLE OF MAN 17m; CW EU-131 IK3PQH/P VENETO REGION 40m; SSB EU-145 CT7/DJ4EL Culatra 40/20/17m; SSB EU-146 PA5MR ZUID HOLLAND/ZEELAND PROVINCE 40m; SSB EU-181 LZ1UBO BULGARIA 40/20m; SSB NA-015 CO7JY CUBA 40m; CW NA-018 OX3XR Greenland 40m; CW NA-058 K3UT GA STATE 20m; CW NA-096 HI8RD HISPANIOLA 40m; CW NA-099 KP4JRS PUERTO RICO 40m; CW NA-102 FG4SO Guadeloupe 20m; SSB NA-105 TO1K ST MARTIN 20m; SSB NA-106 KP2B VIRGIN 20m; FT8 NA-107 FM8QR MARTINIQUE 20m; SSB OC-001 VK1OO Australia 15m; FT8 OC-001 VK3XV Australia 40m; SSB OC-016 3D2AG VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU 60/17m; FT8 OC-021 YB0IBM JAVA 20m; SSB OC-032 FK8HM NEW CALEDONIA 20m; FT8 OC-042 4I1EBD LUZON 20m; SSB OC-088 9M6TMT BORNEO 20m; SSB OC-088 V85AHV BORNEO 20m; SSB SA-011 9Z4Y TRINIDAD 15m; CW SA-046 PY7XAF PERNAMBUCO STATE 15m; SSB ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group" (ex. FT8/OC-146/Celebes). AS-200. Take, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/5 (mainly for DX) and JR8YLY/5 (mainly for JA; Club station callsign of KCJ [Keymen's Club of Japan]) from Shodo Island between 0700z, April 29th, and 0000z, May 5th. Operation may vary due to heavy rain or other conditions. Activity will be on (possibly 80)/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (possibly FM/RTTY). QSL JI3DST/5 via ClubLog's OQRS (direct or by the Bureau). QSL JR8YLY/5 via ClubLog (only Bureau). NA-037. Fred, KB4DMQ, is hoping to be active soon as KL7FBI from Shemya Island. Specific dates have not been announced yet, or details of his operation. QSL Manager is John, AA0NN. There is some interesting details about the island and its history on NA-060. "The Daily DX" reports that Jeff, WB3ISP, is planning to operate from Indian Key on April 18th, for a few hours. Activity will be on 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters. QSL via LoTW or eQSL. PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the newhave decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin...... KC4, ANTARCTICA. Mark, W5MED, who has been active as KC4USV from McMurdo Station on Ross Island (AN-011) in the Antarctica, is expected to be on the air at various time during "World Amateur Radio Day", April 18th. It is suggested to watch 14243 kHz on SSB and 14070 kHz on FT8. Mark will be there until October of this year. QSL via K7MT. KH9, WAKE ISLAND (Update). Randy, WW6RG, informs OPDX of the following: [edited] First I had many QSO's, including Brazil, China and Japan on my last visit to Wake, except on April 1st. I was not operating due to the weather, it was a total washout. It happens in the tropics at times, but it made for a great Beach Day. I will be operating on Wake Island (KH9) on the following dates April 20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th. I will be working 17m and 20m QRP SSB, from 0400z until approximately 0730z. With a dinner break from 0540z to 0600z. No Digital modes. I am available for scheduled QSO's from 0400z to 0700z. Those times are somewhat flexible. My E-mail address can be found on This may be my last visit to KH9 before I retire in September of this year, so if someone wants or needs a contact from Wake, now is the time. QSL via my home callsign WW6RG. No eQSL or LoTW. All times and dates are Z (UTC). There may be a slight change to the schedule and it may include a Kwajalein stay in place of a Wake date. I will keep you advised. MDXC PRESENTATION (On Lightning Protection). Bob, W9EWZ, President of Madison DX Club, informs OPDX: Please join us and our special guest speaker for the Madison DX Club program for Tuesday, April 13th. All are welcome: "Lightning Protection for Amateur Radio Stations" will be presented by Lloyd Berg, N9LB. Lloyd is a retired Broadcast Engineer with 50 years of experience building and maintaining AM, FM and TV Broadcast Stations. Learn from a professional how to make your station as lightning resistant as possible. Lloyd will be available to answer your questions, so please join us for an interesting evening on Tuesday, April 13th. All are welcome: Time: Our Zoom host and Program Chairman, Kevin Shea, N9JKP, will be online from 5:45 Central Daylight Time to socialize before the business meeting begins and to provide time to work through any technical issues. In case of problems getting on, you can call or text Kevin at 608-444-4125. A brief business meeting will begin at 6:10 Central Daylight Time. The program will begin immediately following the meeting at 6:30 Central Daylight Time, sharp. All interested hams are welcome. To Join the Zoom Meeting and Program simply use this link: Meeting ID: 831 8139 6616 Password: 124658 OE50, AUSTRIA (Special Event). Hannes, OE3SGU/OE1SGU, will activate the special event station OE50AGCW from Vienna during the month of May. Activity is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the German Telegraphy Club (AGCW). Opertaions will be on 160-6 meters using CW. QSL via the Bureau, OQRS, LoTW or eQSL. NO SWL-reports via eQSL pse! OE130, AUSTRIA (Special Event). Look for special event station OE130KUK to be active between September 1st to October 30th. This special event callsign is to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the first telegraphy course in the "Franz Josef-Casern" (barracks) in Tulln. QSL via the Bureau. OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW PLEASE NOTE: OUTLOOK users PLEASE read below. OS, BELGIUM (Special Prefix). The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has announced that all Belgian radio amateurs and Belgian radio clubs may replace the normal prefix "ON" in their call- sign by the special prefix OS during the period between April 18, 2021, to December 12, 2021. This measure does NOT apply to short callsigns (vanity calls) and the callsigns of unmanned stations. The BIPT explains its decision to celebrate two special events of special importance this year: 1) The "International Radio Amateur Day", on April 18, 2021. 2) The anniversary of the first transatlantic radio transmission, on December 12, 2021. On that date, it will be 120 years ago that Guglielmo MARCONI first succeeded in bridging the Atlantic Ocean wireless with radio signals. P4, ARUBA. John, W2GD, will once again be active as P40W between May 25th and June 1st. Activity will be (when time permits) on the various HF bands, with some focus on the 30/17/12 meters and 160 meters mostly on CW (before and after the contest). His activity will also include an entry in the upcoming CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th) signing as P44W and as a Single- Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW or N2MM. No bureau cards. PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (April 12-18th)....... Apr/12th AN Apr/15th AN Apr/17th HN Apr/13th AN Apr/16th DIS Apr/18th LN Apr/14th AN SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS/INDEXES AND GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------------ NORMALITY GEOMAG K Values Alpha ----------------- ------ -------- ------ AN - Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7 HN - High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15 LN - Low Normal Active K=3 16-29 BN - Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49 DIS - Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99 VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400 Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation: * VOACAP predication Web page at: and * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at: * SolarHam Web page: * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at: * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminisration (NOAA): * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment: * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve overseas locations are at: * Information and tutorials on propagation are at: * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: * Point to point propagation at: * Real-time propagation at: * Also on Twitter: QSL INFO AND NEWS................... QSL-INFO from from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF ( (April 11th) and various sources provided by OPDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Z0WARD via SP6IEQ & (L) D2EB via IZ3ETU PG96WARD via PG1R 3Z6V via SP6DVP DC220GERKE via DJ6SI PI4YLC via PD3GVQ 3Z90DZC via SP5DZC DK30FFO via DL3BXX (**) R1961GP via R4CR (O) 4O4T via YU1FW DP0POL/MM via DL5EBE S2TJ via PIRATE 5R8AL via G3SWH DQ700JL via (B) S79KW via N4GNR 5Z4VJ via M0URX HB0/HB9LCW via HB9LCW & (L) SQ0MORSE via SP1EG 7V7V via 7X2RO HB15SOTA via HB9DPR SX200ME via SV1ME 8S0C via SM0MPV & (L) II3STAY via IN3ZWF TG9ADV via EC6DX 9A10FF via 9A2MF II4DANT via IK4UQE TG9AWS via W3HNK 9A25RBM via 9A4J I5LDV via IQ5LV(B);IK5ZUB(d) TK/F1MZQ via F1MZQ & (e) 9A88A via 9A1UN J73ESL via EA5GL TM60YURI via F1UJT 9K2BS via EC6DX LC1V via LA4LN TM7IGRY via F1DHX 9V1YC via W5UE LX5WARD via LX1JH TR8CA via F6CBC A25SL via N4GNR LZ21DIG via LZ2VP TT8SN via DL9USA A61DD via EA7FTR NL7S via N4GNR TZ4AM via W0SA A71OK via EA5GL OE100HLF via OE6HLF (e) UK8ZC via RW6HS AP2AJM via IK2DUW OK/N3RTX via OK1XC V31CO via W0YBS AP2SD via EA5ZD OL70DG via OK1DG VP2ETE via W3HNK AP2TN via DJ9ZB OL75KCR via OK1KCR (O) YJ8RN via NZ4DX C37AC via EA3QS OM77PA via OM4MM ZA/IK2RLM via IZ2LSP CM2XN via EB7DX & (L) OX3XR via PA3249 ZC4GR via EB7DX & (L) CN8GC via RW6HS OZ75BO via OZ1ACB ZD8HZ via TA1HZ CO7CRJ via IK2DUW OZ75MAY via OZ1ACB ZR6DX via EA7FTR CO8LY via EA7ADH PA21BP via PA3EFR (e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX's- Bureau (O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed (I) No IRC (P) PayPal (NB) No Bureau (n) no printed QSLs (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs LOGS ONLINE (New/Updated) AVAILABLE ON CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK...... (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) RI0Q LOG STATUS. Charles, M0OXO, reports: Having spoken to the RI0Q Team earlier today (April 7th), they inform me of the following regarding their AS-152 operation: "The RI0Q Log will be available for QSO matching after 6 months (November 1st). Once OQRS Cards have been ordered, the respective QSO's will be uploaded to LoTW." The RI0Q IOTA DXpedition was from Bolshoy Begichev Island (AS-152). NEW QSL ROUTE FOR VK4TE (1965-1966 Only; U.S. ONLY). Leo, K8PYD, informs OPDX that the QSL Manager (Daniel, W8ZCQ) for the 1965-1966 VK4TE Willis Island operation is now SK (Silent Key), and he now has the logs and a supply of blanks cards for USA operators ONLY. Leo states, "Happy to reply to any outstanding cards from USA hams that still need confir- mation with this station from Willis Island only." REMEMBER, this is for the 1965-1966 VK4TE Willis Island operation ONLY and not the current operation. QSLS RECEIVED VIA LoTW: CR5T, D2FJZ, DT8A, HP3AK, IK4LZH, J28PJ, J79WTA, JA7BXS, M0TTQ, OY1DZ, OZ75BO, S57S, SP9N, TZ4AM, VA3IKE, VE3DS, VE9MY, VI100AF, VY2MI, XE2JS and YB9KA QSLS RECEIVED VIA MAIL: NP2J, OA4SS, P43A, ZD7FT and ZD7JC QSLS RECEIVED VIA THE BUREAU: NONE REPORTED THIS WEEK!!! --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc) send in their info.... S77, SEYCHELLES (Special Event). Members of the Seychelles Amateur Radio Society (SARA) will activate the special callsign S77SARA from Mahe Island (AF-024) during World Amateur Radio Day (April 18th). Operators mentioned are Kamil/S79KW, Rick/S79RP and Ravi/S79VU, and they will be on the air between 1100-1300 UTC. SPECIAL EVENT. There will be plenty special event stations active over the next week or so to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the space flight of Yury A. Gagarin. A special award/diploma by the Miller-DX Club is available for working the following stations between April 12-25th: RA60YG, RC60YG, RD60YG, RG60YG, RJ60YG, RK60YG, RL60YG, RM60YG, RO60YG, RQ60YG, RT60YG, RU60YG, RV60YG, RWG60YTC, RX60YG, R60YAG, RN61YG from all Federal Districts of Russia, as well as K1S - USA Radio communications during the project days with the R60MCC ATP in Korolev, Moscow Region, Mission Control Center, are credited to the Star Patrol diploma. For the first time, a new member of the Miller-DX Club, cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, U4MIR, will take an active part in the project. QSL Manager for all special callsigns is RQ7L. For more details, see: TM100, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the Radio Club l'agglomération Dunkerquoise (F8KGS) and Regional Association in Scientific Radiocommuni- cations (A.2.R.S) will activate the special callsign TM100CLG to com- memorate the 100th anniversary (Centenary) of their town, Cappelle la Grande, between May 15-29th. Activity will be on all modes and bands; if possible. A special QSL card will be sent via Bureau. QSL via F8KGS. TM60, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the ISS Fan Club ( will activate the special event station TM60YURI for the 60th anniversary of the first space human flight with Yuri Gagarine in 1961. Activity will take place between April 10-25th. QSL via F1UJT, direct or by the Bureau. W8S SWAINS ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS. Alex, PA1AW, from Heerjansdam, posted the following on the W8S Swains Island Web page on April 11th [edited]: Thank You for your trust and patience... Although we are still in the blind about when the world will open up again enough to make the Swains DXpedition happen, we would like to thank all our sponsors and supporters for their trust in us and patience for the thing to come. Regularly we still receive new or additional support from private sponsors; THANK YOU! ---------------------------------------------------- For more details and updates, see the following URLs pages: Swains Island DXpedition Web page -- Facebook -- Twitter -- YB, INDONESIA. Hans, YB2DX, will once again be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to his home callsign.