The Ohio/Penn Dx 9acketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 503
BID: $OPDX.503
March 19, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, NC1L, K2KW, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4ZC, N6HPX, AA7X, KD7H, W7TSQ, K8YSE, KQ0B, CE6TBN, CX2AQ, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL2VFR, EA7FGS, EA7FTR, F5LIW, F5TJC, F6BFH, FK8HC, GW3CDP, GM4YXI, HA0HW, HB9BXE, HB9CRV, HK5MQZ, JJ1ANW, PA1AW, PY7ZZ, TA3YJ, VA3RJ and VE5MX for the following DX information.
The OPDX InterNet Web site has moved to a new server. Those of you who
read the bulletin at
will be redirected to the new server at
The redirect will continue for a few weeks but eventually you will have
to use the new address in order to access the bulletin. The K8YSE Web site
has been hosted at for many years. The new site, however, will
provide more flexibility and allow enhancements not possible on the
exiting server. For now everything will appear the same. If you have
any questions, please contact John at:
ADDED NOTE: The NODXA Web site has also changed. Please see URL address
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11/Mar, through Sunday, 18/Mar there were 234 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BV9P, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I,
IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH4,
KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM,
ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S7, SM, SP,
SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T32, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT,
TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XU, XX9, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7,
ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP and ZS.
PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its size) with a complete breakdown and "DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity".
3B6, AGALEGA (Update/Progress)
Hans-Peter, HB9BXE, sent out a press
release (3B6RF Bulletin Nr. 13) this past week. OPDX InterNet Subscribers
will receive the large release as an additional bulletin. In short, the
press release states that preparations for this DXpedition is running
according to plan. On April 21st, three members of the team will head for
Mauritius in order to make final preparations on the spot. The rest of the
crew departs on April 28th, from Zurich. The 3B6 team plans to arrive on
Agalega on May 3rd and plans to be active May 5th for 12 days. There is
the possibility of chartering an aircraft for their trip from Mauritius
to Agalega, and they are still working on it. Using an aircraft will allow
them 2-3 additional operating days. The crew now consists of 20 operators:
HB9BQI/Rene, HB9BQW/Christine, HB9BXE/Hans-Peter, HB9CRV/Hermann, HB9HFN/
Cedric, HB9JAI/Karl, HB9JBI/Friedhelm, HB9AAQ/Fred, CT1AGF/Luis, CT1EVP/
Antonio, DL3KUD/Matthias, DL6UAA/Mart, F6HMJ/Jack, G3KHZ/Derek, NK6F/Ken,
N3SL/Steve, SP9RTI/Stefan, 3B8CF/Jacky and 4X1DX/Seth. YAESU of Germany
has lent them the following equipment: 6 Transceivers FT1000MP, 6 Linear
Amplifiers VL1000, 6 Power supplies, 2 Transceivers FT 847 and 1 Transceiver
FT 920. They will have a huge arsenal of antennas to use. The group will
have 4 Diesel generators 5.5 kW each. The satellite activity from Agalega
will be the first ever from this remote place. They will concentrate on
using the satellite AO-10, but, however, they will also use RS-12/13
sporadically. There will also be 6 meter activity and also PSK31 since it
is becoming more popular. PKS31 will be used alternately with RTTY. The
PSK31 frequencies to be used are: 14068.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz, 21078.15 kHz
+/- 1.2 kHz and 28078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz. SSTV will also be used but for
only 3 days. Split operation is a must for SSTV. Their complete frequency
band plan can be found on the Web site at:
Robert, 3B9FR, has been active recently on 17/12
meters with NO takers. Check between 24480 and 24900 kHz around 1330z.
Check 17073 kHz around 0300z. He can also be found on 20/15/10 meters
CW/SSB between 1230 and 1530z. QSL via Robert Felicite, Box 31, Rodrigues
Island, Indian Ocean, via Mauritius.
3V8, TUNISIA (Attention YL Chasers!)
YL operator Zaida has been active
at the controls of 3V8BB. You can usually find her on or around 14260
kHz between 1030 and 1300z.
Tom, 3W7CW, was heard on 12 meters working simplex on 24896
kHz between 0730 and 0830z. QSL via SP5JTF. Jurgen, 3W9HRN continues to
be very active on 10 meters CW (as well as 15 meters) as early as 0630z
and as late as 1300z. QSL via DL1HRN.
Nelson, 4S7NE, seems to like the 30 and 17 meters CW.
Generally he can be found on/around 10103 kHz after 1200z and 18075 kHz
after 1830z.
Kenny, K2KW, reports that the results and photos of
the 6Y8A DXpedition University (DXU) trip can be seen on the Web page:
Lawerence, 9N7RB, in Katmandu is a good catch on 10 meters
around 28447 or 28487 kHz. Check around/after 1330z and again 0130z.
Just a few more days to work Dimitri, RA9CO, as A52CO. His
last day should be March 21st. He has been very active on 10 meters CW
(very little SSB) at various time during the day. There has been some
activity on 15, 20 and 40 meters. QSL via UA9DD.
Suzuki, JJ1ANW, informs OPDX that this summer "The
Japanese Amateur Radio League" (JARL) will be sponsoring the "All Asian
DX Contest." For more details and the rules, please refer to the JARL
Web site at:
Bill, AA7X, will be operating from Treasure Key from March
24-31st including the CQ WPX SSB Contest. His callsign will be C6AKK. QSL
via AA7X.
Nilay (XYL), TA3YJ, will be active as DL/TA3YJ from March 25th
to March 30th. She will be active on all bands using SSB. QSL via TA3YJ.
"The Five Star DXers Association" has released a four
page bulletin (Number 6) with details and statistics of their record
breaking DXpedition to Comoros. Because of its length/size, the D68C
Bulletin No. 6 is available in RTF format at the K8YSE EIDX Web site at:
Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that XU7AAZ has
been approved for DXCC credit. It was on the bad list for lack of
documentation. The documentation has been reviewed and it is OK. People
can now receive DXCC credit. Anyone who has submitted it and had it
rejected can contact DXCC, and their record will be updated without
having to re-submit the card. Send an E-mail to:
If not, it can be included in the next submission.
Larry, N6HPX, is currently on vacation and is signing
as DU1/N6HPX until about April 10th. He is on IOTA OC-042. Most of his
activity has been on 14260 kHz between 1130 and 1300z. He was also reported
on 6 meters on 50225 kHz at 0929z. QSL via N6HPX:
Larry Fields, 1207 E. Victoria Ct., San Pablo, CA 94806
Eli, HA9RE,
recently active from French Polynesia as FO0ARE between February 27th and
March 7th, was active from Tahiti Island (OC-046, Windward Islands Group)
between February 27-28th, and again from March 6-7th. The other place he
operated from was on Manihi (OC-131, King George Islands Group) between
March 1-5th. The QSL Manager is Kari, HA8IB. His current address is:
Szabo Karoly, Aradistr. 42., H-5525 Fuzesgyarmat, HUNGARY. QSL via the
bureau is also OK. Eli and his girlfriend Sara, HA9SD, have plans to go
back to the Pacific Ocean during the autumn, possibly to the Austral
Islands or to Marquesas.
Keith, GM4YXI, will be active during the CQ WPX SSB Contest
using the "North of Scotland Contest Group's" callsign GM7V. His activity
will be a Single Op/Single Band (10m)/High Power entry. QSL as usual via
Just a reminder that Ron, ZL1AMO, will be active
from beginning around March 21st for three week. This operation is a
special one because it will be his last DXpedition. We are sure many of
you have worked Ron from many rare places and have many of his QSL cards.
Ron is a very special, interesting DXer and person. Your editor is glad
he had a chance to meet him many years ago at a NODXA meeting. Please
show Ron thanks by working him from H40. He will probably sign H40RW or
something with the "RW" suffix.
A team of five French hams will be active from here
from Friday, March 23rd to Monday, March 26th. Activity will be on the
following bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. The team will use the
callsign HB0/F6KQL. They will also be active during the CQ WPX Contest.
QSL direct or throught the bureau to F6KQL: Radio Club MJC,
7 Rue de Longvic, 21300 Chenove, France.
Jairo, HK5MQZ, informs OPDX that he and Hiro, HK5QGX,
will leave for Malpelo Island on April 6th. They plan to operate from April
10-21st. They will sign as HK5MQZ/0 and HK5QGX/0. Activity will be on CW
and SSB, 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters. However, 160 and 6 meters will be
optional. Jairo, HK5MQZ/0, will work SSB. QSL via Jairo Vargas, P.O. Box
10862, Cali, Colombia. Hiro, HK5QGX/0, will work CW. QSL via JA0MGR.
AS-079. Take, JI3DST/6, will be active from Miyako Island April 28th
through May 6th. Activity is planned for 15, 28 and 40 meters
AS-155. Bob, EA7FGS, on the IOTA Committee, informs OPDX that Lan-Yu Island was given AS-155, and it is one of the islands in "Taiwan's Coastal Islands". BV9O was active from here during the past weekend.
EU-065. Bernard/F9IE and Alain/F6BFH will be active as homecall/p from Molene Island May 2-8th. Activity will be on the IOTA frequencies SSB and CW. QSL to the bureau or via their home callsign.
Bill, VK4FW, has made plans to visit three Queensland State
IOTA groups within the next 2 months. He is expected to activate the North
Coast (Centre) Group OC-172, the Torres Strait Group OC-138 and North Coast
(North) Group OC-187. Bill expects to activate them one behind the other.
QSL will be direct only. He also expects many of you to work him from all
three locations, and if you do so, please include a minimum of 2 USD or 2
IRCs for cards. His callsign will be VK4FW/p. Bill will release more details
as soon as all is finalized.
OH, ALAND ISLAND (and IOTA Operation)
Ric, DL2VFR, reports that in less
than one month he and Frank, DL2SWW, will be active from Aland Island
(OH0 EU-002) from April 14-20th and Vland Island (SM7 EU-037) from April
21-28th. Their activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY. He requests to please use
the questionare on the following Web page to give them feedback (Where do
you need them?):
3D2TC QSL ROUTE. Bob, W7TSQ, informs OPDX that people continue to send
QSL requests for contacts with 3D2TC to him. He reports, "I do not know
of any reason that I should appear as a manager for this station, I am
not, never have been, have no logs and no cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The
only route is DIRECT to 3D2TC, Craig Thompson, Box 273 Suva, Fiji Islands
S. Pacific. As there is no effective bureau there, DIRECT is the only
way to go. Craig does QSL and has a nice QSL card. Bob, W7TSQ is,
however, QSL Manager for YB0AZ, YB3OSE, YB3ASQ, A35RK, A35SQ, 3D2RK,
3D2SQ, AH6PN/HR6, N7QXQ/HR6 and any W7TSQ operations ONLY!!!!!!!!!!
Alex, PA1AW, is the QSL Manager for 5A24PA. However, he is NOT the QSL Manager for 5A1A or any other activities by Abubaker. He is only expecting logs for 5A24PA only. Cards will be printed directly after completion of this special activity and after receipt of the logs. QSLs for 5A24PA go direct only to: Alex van Hengel, PA1AW, Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands. He is currently not committed to any bureau QSLing.
QSLs for Richard, CX2AQ, can be sent to his QSL Manager EA5KB.
Fran, EA7FTR, informs OPDX that he is currently the QSL Manager for the following stations: CX8BU, OX3CO, TG9RZ, UN7GCE, VK7KHZ, YB4JIM, YC1VBH, ZP8AE and ZP8BHA.
NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Denny, GW3CDP, informs OPDX that he still continues to receive QSL cards for EK4JJ/Serge and EK4GK/Alex for which he is NOT the QSL Manager. The only route for EK4JJ and EK4GK is DIRECT. PLEASE CHANGE YOUR DATABASES. Denny is, however, the QSL Manager for EY8XX and EW6WR.
HK3JJH/HK0 QSLs. Apparently, Carl, N4AA, Editor of QRZ DX, has worked a deal out with Pedro, HK3JJH, on QSLing for his 1999 operation. Cards should be sent to N4AA with an SASE. Carl will send the QSO data to Pedro by E-mail. Pedro will fill out the cards and send them to Carl in batches, and Carl will put them in the SASE for return to the sender. This might be a little slow, but cards will be answered without fear of losing them in the Colombian mail system.
The log for the PW0S (St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks) is now available on the Web page at:
Mike, KQ0B, informs OPDX that anyone needing cards for Eli, PT7BZ, and as PT7BZ/PY0F can either send them direct to Eli, via bureau to PT7BZ or to Mike, KQ0B. Please note: Mike is awaiting Eli's latest log entries which should be sent to him shortly. He has already received the cards and will reply once he get Eli's log.
QSLs for XW3QBR, XW3ZNR, XU7AAY and XY7AAZ. Roger, N4ZC, informs OPDX that IN3ZNR continues to be the correct QSL Manager for XW3QBR, XW3ZNR, XU7AAY and XU7AAZ .....but, for those USA stations that have not sent for their cards by now, or those wanting a faster reply, N4ZC has the complete logs and blank cards for those N.A stations that want a cheaper or faster way to get their cards. Those stations using U.S. postage may send a normal SASE for their cards to N4ZC. If you have already sent your cards to Italy, don't worry, all U.S. cards when answered will be sent in a box from IN3ZNR to N4ZC and mailed from N4ZC's NC QTH. If you must have a faster return for some reason, N4ZC can return N.A. cards within a day to two. Those stations outside N.A. should continue to use only IN3ZNR. They are working on answering cards at this time.
Look for station TM0AR to be active during the "International
Festival of Art and Technologies" from May 15-27th. Activity will be on
40/20/15/10 meters including the WARC bands. Reference DDFM - 72. QSL via
F5TJC: Jean-Louis Briere-Lecomte, 18 Le Petit Saint Louis, 72400 Cormes,
TX8, NEW CALEDONIA (Update/Correction)
Franck, FK8HC, informs OPDX that
FK8GM, FK8HW, LA5IIA and Franck will sign with the callsign TX8G (not
TX5G as reported last week) during the CQ WPX Contest as a Multi/Multi
VB6, CANADA (Attention Prefix Hunters!)
Todd, VE5MX, informs OPDX that
he will be using the special callsign VB6A from VE6JY in the upcoming CQ
WPX SSB Contest. All QSLs go via VE5MX, bureau preferred.
Robert, KD7H, spoke with Tom, VP6TC, Tuesday night,
and he told him that Jacky/F2CW (VP6CW) and Kan/JA1BK (VP6BK) were on
Pitcairn for the entire length of their VP6 operation. They were not on
Ducie Island or any other island. The two operators are attempting to
get Pitcairn admitted into the IARU and "then" perhaps Ducie will be a
separate counter (new entity). The two operators left the island and
might be active from other Pacific islands on their way home.
Victor Rivera, ZK1CG, on South Cook
is back on the air again after being off for 10 years. This is thanks to
Roger/W7VV and Sue for the very kind donation of an IC-751A and a G5RV
vertical. Victor will be operating on all bands from 160-10 meters. If
conditions are good he will change bands with you so you can work South
Cooks on all bands. He was spotted this past week on 20 meters (around
14200 kHz) between 0430-0700z. QSL only direct to: Victor Rivera, P.O.
Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands (or use the info on Web site).
Victor is clearing a back log of old QSLs from the past contacts he has
made. If you worked ZK1CG from South or North Cook Islands in the past
and did not receive a card, please send again. Also, look for Victor/ ZK1CG,
Tuatai/ZK1CY (ZK1MA) and members from the WWDXC Club Roger/W7VV (ZK1VVV),
Bob/W7TSQ (ZK1TSQ), and three others to be going to Manihiki, North Cook
for the CQWW SSB Contest this year in October for one week. They will
have 4, 5 and 7 element beams and will be active on 160-10 meters. On the
return from North Cook, all operators will be active from South Cook.
ADDED NOTE: Look for ZK1MA to be active from North Cook. Tuatai, ZK1CY,
is leaving South Cook and is heading back to Manihiki on the next boat.
Tuatai lives in Manihiki.
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to:
Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: Agalega Bulletin Nr. 13
Agalega - 3B6RF Bulletin Nr. 13
Time table
The preparations for this DXpedition will soon come to a close. Everything
is running according to plan. On April 21, three members of the team head for
Mauritius in order to make final preparations on the spot. The rest of the
crew departs on 28 April, flight MK071 from Zurich.
The crew now consists of:
1. HB9BQI Rene 2. HB9BQW Christine 3. HB9BXE Hans-Peter 4. HB9CRV Hermann 5. HB9HFN Cedric 6. HB9JAI Karl 7. HB9JBI Friedhelm 8. HB9AAQ Fred 9. CT1AGF Luis 10. CT1EVP Antonio 11. DL3KUD Matthias 12. DL6UAA Mart 13. F6HMJ Jack 14. G3KHZ Derek 15. NK6F Ken 16. N3SL Steve 17. SP9RTI Stefan 18. 3B8CF Jacky 19. 4X1DX Seth
YAESU Germany has lent us the following equipment:
6 Transceivers FT1000MP
6 Linear Amplifiers VL1000
6 Power supplies
2 Transceivers FT 847
1 Transceiver FT 920
4 Diesel generators 5.5 kW each.
5 x Beam 10/15/20m Force12 2 x Beam 12/17/m Force12 1 x Beam 30/m Force12 1 x 4square 40m, Comteck Force12 1 x 4square 80m, Comteck Force12 1x Vertical 75m V80E Titanex 1x Vertical 160m V160 Titanex 1x Delta loop 30m, full size homebrew 1x Delta loop 40m, full size homebrew 1x Delta loop 80m, full size homebrew 1x Vertical HF6V Butternut 1x Vertical T25 Sommer 1x 7ele Beam 10m homebrew 1x 6m Beam ZX Wimo 1x 160m Beverage CW homebrew 2x 80 m Beverages CW/SSB homebrew 2x 80/160m terminated loops CW/SSB K9AY 2x 40/80m pennant antennas CW/SSB homebrew
TX Band pass filters 48 items
RX Filter, XTAL & LC 18 items
Almost all antennas have been erected, tested and tuned during the 3B8 mid
March meeting near Basle. The antennas are packed and ready to be shipped by
1000m coax cable, 4000 feet Dacron guying rope etc.
Satellite-Operating 3B6RF
Our satellite activity from Agalega will be the first ever from this remote
place. We will concentrate on using the satellite AO-10. Do not forget! This
satellite has got a problem with the batteries. Apart from our activity via
AO-10 we will also use RS-12/13 sporadically, which does not allow worldwide
operation. We are also looking for the daily progress with the new satellite
AO-40 and hope it may be possible to use it during our operation from
Agalega. Keep your fingers crossed! Please check the sat frequencies, the
status and the recommendations on the web side of AMSAT. We will publish all
the necessary news and data of our satellite activity (e.g. like the
timetable below) on our homepage in time to make sure that interested hams
can successfully make QSOs with 3B6RF. We will be using a 9ele-Yagi for
2m-downlink incl. a preamplifier and a 21ele-Yagi for 70cm uplink. The
transceiver is a Yaesu FT-847. Our downlink frequency will be 145.895 MHz,
+/- QRM. During heavy pile-ups we will operate split. Please listen to the
operator's instructions. Please send any information, hints and suggestions
before our departure to Agalega to Matthias, DL3KUD
(DL3KUD@QSL.NET) and during our operation contact
our pilot stations.
6m operating
The 50MHz band really is a "Magic Band". Can you believe that on a dead
VHF-Band you can suddenly hear a DX station about 10000km away from you?
That's the "Magic Band". Now, we are at the solar maximum of cycle 23 and
worldwide contacts may be possible frequently via F2-Reflections and TEP
(Trans-Equatorial Propagation). We have a good opportunity to use F2 when
the solar flux index is 185 and the earth magnetic A=20 .. 30. Six-meter F2
contacts are generally possible only over paths entirely in daylight. Limited
experience with TEP indicates that it peaks between 1700 and 2200 local time.
TEP signals have a rough aurora-like note. So it is better to work slow CW
than SSB. High power and large antennas are not required to work TEP. Large
pile-ups will be inevitable from European areas. For TEP from 3B6 the antenna
will be directed to the north (360' +/- 45'). We will operate 3 different
modes on 6m: Memory Scan Mode, Beacon Mode and QSO-Mode. Always remember,
nobody can tell the duration of an opening. It can be a few minutes or
several hours.
PSK 31
PSK31 is becoming more and more popular. 3B6RF will also be QRV on this new
mode on 20m, 15m and 10m. PKS31 will be used alternately with RTTY. The
equipment for PSK31 will be:
Transceiver FT1000MP + Linear VL 1000
Antenna: Force 12 3 el. multi band beam
Computer Toshiba CX230, Pentium 133 MHz
Software WinPSK31 Version 2.02
Frequencies to be used are:
14068.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz
21078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz
28078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz
We will call CQ on the above mentioned frequencies. However, in order to handle the pile up we will listen +/- 1.2 kHz. That will mean that you have to shift the RX frequency on your sound card slightly. For instance; TX is on 1500 Hz and RX 1350 Hz or vice versa. Contrary to the usual operating 3B6RF will use the TX frequency as master in PSK31. This operating method will also give a chance to the little pistols.
We have decided to operate SSTV for 3 days. All involved stations have to
maintain discipline and good operating practice to guarantee success. Guess
what will happen if all stations start to send a picture at the same time!
The following rules will allow each station to copy a picture from 3B6RF and
to get the chance to send his personal picture with call sign etc. Split
operation is a must in SSTV too.
Example 1:
Agalega calls in phone CQ SSTV from 3B6RF. The answering stations reply with
the 2 last letters of their suffix. 3B6RF copies AX and answers "AX" go
and send your picture. The length of the transmission should not exceed 40
seconds, containing call sign and report. Please don't send a full picture
because this will take too much time.
Example 2:
3B6RF transmits a picture of 40 seconds length with incorporated call sign
HB9EAX answers with his suffix AX. More details can be found on our home
Frequency plan
Police men
These stations will handle all public relations and the feed back from the
HAM community world wide.
They will report to us, on how our expedition is being judged and suggest
what improvements we may be able to make. This input is very important to
us, because this will be our only feed back about signal strength, possible
band openings and other suggestions. Communications to and from our pilots
will be via Inmarsat satellite. The crew will read these inputs on our notice
Ambrosi Fluetsch, HB9AGH
Or to HB9AGH via the QSL bureau
USA only via N3SL
Please include a self-addressed envelope in order to keep QSL'ing fees to a
minimum. Don't use airmail envelopes and don't mark your return envelope via
airmail. Surface mail to USA / Canada, Europe and Japan goes by air anyway !
QSL requests with insufficient or without IRC/$ will be answered via the
bureau. For instance SAE airmail with 1 IRC or 1$ will be sent via the
bureau. Please be aware of the fact that postal fees from Switzerland to
outside Europe for a 20 g letter (2 QSLs) requires 2 IRCs or 2$
Log search
There is the possibility of chartering an aircraft for our trip from
Mauritius to Agalega and we are still working on it. Using an aircraft will
allow us 2 - 3 additional operating days. Please check our home page for further developments.
Extensive propagation studies have been carried out which will allow us to
become aware of all possible openings. The outcome of these studies can be
found on our homepage
As far as possible we will stick to our frequency plan. That will be
maintained, as long as our TX frequency is as free from QRM as possible.
Modifications of our band plan will be published on our home page Stations who don't have an
Internet link please see our attached frequency plan.
We didn't elect so called BAPO's (band police man). Anyway they will become
active with their own justification and they will interfere with efficient
operating. In the worst case they will make operating impossible. In this
case 3B6RF will shift it's TX frequency. If, suddenly 3B6RF cannot be copied
any more please look 1 kHz (CW) or 2 kHz (SSB) up or down!!
The following pilot stations are active for 3B6RF:
HB9DLE, Sigi, Europe and pilot coordinator:
K6GNX, Bill, USA
JA3LDH, Yasu, Japan:
PT7BI, Daniel, South America:
QSLs can be sent via the bureau or directly to:
Lerchenweg 29
CH 8046 Zurich
Steve & Kimberly Larson
22 N. Hidden Acres Drive
Sioux City, Iowa 51108
During and after our expedition one can check whether and on which band your
call is contained in the 3B6RF log. Whenever possible the log will be
updated every 24 hours. Our logs will be forwarded via INMARSAT to our head
pilot Sigi HB9DLE. Afterwards, Markus, HB9ZFL transfers the log data to our
home page. It is our sincere hope that the DX community benefits from this
service and that it helps to prevent dupes. Please note that one minute via
INMARSAT costs us 6US$!!
Saturday April 28th 2001 departure from Zurich to Mauritius
Tuesday May 1st 2001 departure by ship from Port Luis to Agalega
Thursday May 3rd 2001 arrival at Agalega
Saturday May 5th 2001 QRV for 12 days
Wednesday May 16th 2001 disassembly of the stations and the camp
Thursday May 17th 2001 departure by ship from Agalega to Port Luis
Friday May 18th 2001 arrival at Mauritius
Sunday May 20th 2001 09:00, flight back to Zurich
See you in the pile ups. Best 73's
Hans-Peter, HB9BXE
AB5K AR-Cluster Network
DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
For the week of Sunday, 11/Mar - Saturday, 17/Mar
Nmbr of Nmbr of Band of Days of
DXCC Stations Spots Activity the Week Modes
---- -------- ------- -------------------------- ------------- ----------
1A 1 1 /S CW/ /RTTY
3A 4 13 /40/ /20/17/15/ M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
3B6 0 0
3B8 7 52 /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
3B9 2 17 /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/ /W/T/F/ CW/SSB/RTTY
3D2 5 91 /40/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
3D2/r 1 6 /20/ /15/ /S CW/ /RTTY
3V 2 14 /20/ /T/ /T/ /SSB/
3W 10 64 /20/ /15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
4J 8 32 /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
4L 10 55 /80/40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
4S 7 34 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
4U1U 2 2 /12/ /T/ /S /SSB/
4X 26 66 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
5A 2 3 /15/ /10/6 M/ /W/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5B 12 66 160/ /30/20/17/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
5H 1 42 160/ /30/20/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5N 5 16 /40/ /20/17/ /T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5R 5 11 /20/17/ /12/10/6 /T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5U 8 207 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5V 1 4 /15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5W 2 23 /80/40/ /15/12/ /W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
5Z 3 9 /15/12/10/6 /F/ /S /SSB/
6W 6 19 /20/17/15/ /10/6 M/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
6Y 8 34 /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/F/S/S /SSB/
7Q 5 64 /20/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
7X 9 50 /80/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
8P 5 8 /40/ /20/17/15/ M/ /W/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
8Q 1 5 /20/ /15/ /T/F/ /SSB/
8R 4 8 /17/15/ /10/6 M/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9A 20 59 160/80/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
9G 1 11 /10/6 /W/T/ /SSB/
9H 19 51 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9J 2 10 /80/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/ /T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9K 18 204 /80/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
9M2 5 38 /40/ /17/15/ M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9M6 4 27 /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/ /RTTY
9N 1 35 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9V 4 9 /30/20/17/15/ /W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
9Y 8 12 /20/ /12/ M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
A2 2 15 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/ /W/ /S/S /SSB/
A3 2 6 /20/ /15/ M/T/W/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
A4 14 149 /80/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
A5 5 98 /80/40/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
A6 1 4 160/80/ /20/ /T/ /S/ /SSB/
A7 2 7 /20/ M/ /W/T/ /S /SSB/
A9 2 11 /20/17/ M/T/W/T/ CW/SSB/RTTY
AP 5 20 /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
BV 37 176 /80/40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
BV9P 3 564 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
BY 41 99 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
C2 3 59 /80/ /30/20/17/15/ M/T/W/ CW/SSB/RTTY
C3 5 18 /40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
C5 1 1 /12/ /T/ /SSB/
C6 5 9 /20/ /15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S /SSB/
C9 1 1 /10/6 /T/ CW/ /RTTY
CE 24 57 160/80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
CE0A 6 1056 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
CE9 5 116 /80/ /30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
CM 33 100 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
CN 12 42 /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
CP 3 21 /20/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S /SSB/
CT 27 40 160/ /40/ /20/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
CT3 7 48 /30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
CU 5 14 /20/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S /SSB/
CX 24 62 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
D2 3 26 /20/ /15/ /10/6 /W/T/ /S /SSB/
DL 105 153 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
DU 30 87 160/ /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EA 117 242 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EA6 11 27 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
EA8 32 82 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EA9 9 27 /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
EI 12 18 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/ /W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
EK 3 19 /20/17/15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S /SSB/
EP 9 37 /20/ /15/ /10/6 /T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ER 10 50 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ES 11 24 /80/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ET 3 56 /20/17/ /12/ M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
EU 21 52 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EX 17 118 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EY 5 69 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
EZ 7 51 160/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
F 57 81 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FG 9 35 160/ /20/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FH 2 13 /20/ /10/6 /T/ /T/F/ /SSB/
FJ 6 22 /80/ /20/ /12/ M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FK 8 34 /40/30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FM 9 50 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/ /F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
FO 5 19 /20/ M/ /T/F/ /S /SSB/
FR 10 64 /40/ /20/17/15/ M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FW 1 37 /40/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
FY 7 24 /20/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
G 59 95 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
GD 5 17 /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
GI 12 23 /80/40/ /17/15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
GJ 11 103 160/80/40/30/20/17/ /12/10/6 M/ /W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
GM 17 29 /40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/ /W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
GU 3 21 /40/ /20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/ /T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
GW 13 19 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
H4 3 9 /20/17/15/12/ M/ /T/F/ /S /SSB/
HA 30 56 160/80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/ M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HB 18 29 160/ /40/30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/ /T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
HB0 1 3 /12/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
HC 12 58 160/ /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HC8 2 8 /W/T/ /S CW/ /RTTY
HH 1 3 /10/6 /S CW/ /RTTY
HI 19 235 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HK 15 35 /80/40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
HK0/a 3 10 /30/20/ /10/6 /T/ /F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HL 60 218 160/80/40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HP 10 92 /40/ /20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
HR 5 15 /20/ /15/ /T/W/ /S/ CW/SSB/RTTY
HS 11 65 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
HV 2 5 /12/10/6 /F/ /S CW/ /RTTY
HZ 4 23 /20/ /12/10/6 M/ /W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
I 83 135 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
IS 11 15 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
J2 3 19 /20/17/15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
J3 2 13 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/ CW/SSB/RTTY
J6 2 8 /20/ /15/ M/T/W/T/ /S /SSB/
J7 4 13 /20/17/ /12/10/6 M/ /T/F/ /S /SSB/
J8 1 8 /40/30/ /10/6 M/ /W/T/ /S CW/ /RTTY
JA 188 269 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
JD/m 3 19 /40/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
JT 5 76 /80/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
JW 8 85 160/ /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
JX 4 37 /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
JY 5 65 /40/ /20/17/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
K 318 503 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KG4 4 18 /12/10/6 /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KH0 12 125 160/ /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/ /T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KH2 7 20 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/ /F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KH4 1 1 /15/ /F/ CW/ /RTTY
KH6 20 66 160/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
KH8 2 2 /10/6 /S /SSB/
KL 18 55 160/80/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KP2 4 10 /20/ /15/ /10/6 /T/W/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
KP4 21 76 /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
LA 18 29 160/80/40/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
LU 86 196 160/80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
LX 16 28 /80/ /30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
LY 12 28 /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
LZ 20 42 160/80/40/30/20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OA 6 36 /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OD 8 87 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OE 22 28 /80/40/ /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
OH 16 20 /80/ /30/20/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OH0 2 3 160/ /15/ M/ /W/T/ CW/SSB/RTTY
OK 36 59 160/80/40/30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OM 11 35 160/ /30/ /17/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ON 22 37 160/80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
OX 3 6 /30/ /17/ /12/10/6 /T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
OY 8 42 /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
OZ 21 46 /30/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/ /T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
P2 6 15 /40/ /10/6 M/T/ /T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
P4 10 86 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
PA 28 42 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
PJ2 5 42 /40/ /20/17/ /12/ M/T/W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
PJ7 6 61 160/80/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
PY 102 272 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
PY0F 2 11 /20/ /15/ /W/T/ /S/S /SSB/
PZ 8 30 /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
R1FJ 2 24 /40/ /20/ /10/6 M/ /W/ /F/ CW/SSB/RTTY
S5 21 31 /40/30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
S7 2 52 /40/30/ /17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
S9 1 1 /T/ CW/ /RTTY
SM 43 68 160/80/ /30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
SP 34 43 160/80/ /30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
SU 8 47 /20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
SV 30 86 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
SV5 3 7 /80/ /20/ /15/ /T/W/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
SV9 4 8 160/ /15/12/10/6 /T/W/ CW/SSB/RTTY
T30 1 23 /20/ /15/ /T/F/ CW/SSB/RTTY
T32 1 1 /20/ /S CW/ /RTTY
T7 2 24 160/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
T9 8 17 160/ /40/ /20/17/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
TA 13 55 160/ /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
TF 9 23 /20/17/15/12/10/6 /T/ /T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
TG 7 28 /20/17/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
TI 20 57 /80/ /20/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
TJ 1 1 /20/ /T/ /SSB/
TK 5 13 /30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/ CW/SSB/RTTY
TN 1 1 /W/ /SSB/
TR 9 38 /40/ /20/ /15/ /10/6 M/ /W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
TT 2 2 /15/ /T/ /S/ /SSB/
TU 2 10 /17/15/12/ /S /SSB/
UA 119 201 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
UA2 9 14 /80/40/ /20/17/15/ /10/6 /T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
UA9 151 407 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
UK 13 76 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
UN 27 85 /40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
UR 55 93 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
V2 1 1 /15/ /T/ CW/ /RTTY
V3 7 200 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S /SSB/
V4 2 2 /10/6 /S/S /SSB/
V5 12 95 /80/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
V6 4 60 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 /W/T/F/S/ CW/SSB/RTTY
V7 5 43 /15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
V8 2 3 /20/ /10/6 /W/T/ /SSB/
VE 87 129 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
VK 121 273 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
VK9N 4 97 /40/ /20/17/ M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2E 2 22 /30/ /17/ /12/ M/ /T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2M 2 2 /12/10/6 M/ /T/ CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2V 5 68 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/ /W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
VP5 7 115 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S /SSB/
VP6 5 77 /40/30/20/17/15/12/ M/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VP8 1 2 /10/6 M/ /T/ CW/ /RTTY
VP8/h 2 22 /20/17/15/ M/ /W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VP9 2 3 /30/ /17/15/ /T/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VQ9 6 49 160/ /40/ /12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ CW/SSB/RTTY
VR 18 81 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
VU 40 157 /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
XE 26 40 /80/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
XU 1 5 /20/ M/T/W/ /F/
XX9 1 4 /15/ /F/ /SSB/
YB 52 187 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
YI 3 5 /20/17/ /T/ /F/ CW/SSB/RTTY
YK 2 7 160/ /30/20/ M/T/ /T/F/ /S CW/ /RTTY
YL 13 25 /80/ /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
YN 1 7 /20/ M/ /SSB/
YO 19 26 /80/40/ /20/17/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
YS 7 44 /80/40/ /20/17/15/ /10/6 /T/W/T/F/S/S /SSB/
YU 27 76 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
YV 20 46 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/ /F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
Z2 5 47 /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
Z3 14 68 160/80/40/30/20/ /15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZA 8 32 /20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/ /F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZB 8 20 /30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZC4 5 28 /40/30/20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZD7 5 47 /20/17/15/ /10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZD8 4 29 M/T/W/T/ /S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZF 14 111 /80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK1/s 10 158 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/S/S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK2 4 248 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK3 1 1 /15/ /T/ CW/ /RTTY
ZL 33 73 /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZP 16 67 160/80/40/ /20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
ZS 61 315 160/ /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 M/T/W/T/F/ /S CW/SSB/RTTY
Tot Stations: 3887 Tot Spots: 14732 Spotter of the week: EA7KW-7 (101 spots)
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