The Ohio/Penn Dx 9acketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 515
BID: $OPDX.515
June 11, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, N3SL, W3UR & The Daily DX, KJ4Z, N4AA & QRZ DX, AA5XE, KM6HB, AA8LL, K8YSE, AE9B, KU9C, K0JGH, BD7NQ, DJ7ZG, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL2VFR, AI5T, E21EIC, F5PHW, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, F8BBL, G3NUG, HK5MQZ, HL1VAU, LA4LN, OH1EH, PS7AB, PS7ZZ, PY1NEZ, RN3OA, SP6ECA, SV1DKL, VK4FW, XE1KK and ZS5BBO for the following DX information.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 3/June, through Sunday, 10/June there were 213 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H,
9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6,
C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8,
EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP,
FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0,
KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP,
SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP9,
VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XZ, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL). OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its size) with a complete breakdown and "DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity".
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!! (You have another chance)
AS-090. Han, HL1VAU, informs OPDX that a team will be active from
Tokchok Island, July 27-29th. Operators are Kim/HL1OYF (Team
Leader), Phil/HL1TXQ, Han/HL1VAU, Jeon/DS3BGI and Jeon/DS1EVQ.
They will be active as homecall/2 on 40-10 meters (except
the WARC bands) CW and SSB. They will have two stations active
with 4 element beams and dipoles with a 500w linear amplifier
for this expedition. The team expects to participate in IOTA
Contest. Particularly, Hans will join in as a Single Op/12H
category. All QSLs for this operation are OK via HL1OYF either
direct or via bureau. His address is as follows: Kim HL1OYF,
P.O.Box 54, Dong-Jak, Seoul, 156-600, South Korea. Detailed
information will be available at following web site (still
under construction and no files exist, but will be updated
very soon:
EU-023. Look for 9H4JB to participate in the IOTA Contest for 12 or
24 hours from Gozo Island.
EU-042. Ruediger, DJ3XG, will be active from September 17-25th, from
Hallig Hooge (German Island Award N-22). During that time
he will occassionally go to Japsand (same IOTA, N-32). Activity
will be on 7030 and 10115 kHz on QRP. QSL via bureau.
EU-060. A team of Greek operators will be active June 15-25th, using
the special event station callsign SW1SPA to celebrate the 2001
Cultural Festival of Aedipsos from Euboea Island. Operation
will take place at an envious site on the beach of Aedipsos,
and they will try to be "On-Air" around the clock. Team organizer
is Kostas, SV1ENI, who has offered the operating site and
accomodation for the participating members. The team consists
of Kostas/SV1ENI, Manos/SV1DZB, John/SV1DKR, Stathis/SV1DKL
and Antonis/SV1ENG. They plan to have 2 stations with antennas
for all bands active, especially during the weekends (June
16-17th and 23-24th). Their operating modes will be mainly
SSB and CW, but they will try to put on some QSOs on the digital
modes too. The main attraction of Aedipsos is the SPA TOURISM
with its sanative baths and the wild beauty of the surrounding
emvironment. More info on Aedipsos in the northern part of
Euboea Island can be found at URL:
EU-098. Mathias, DL3KUD/p, will be active from July 27-29th and during
the IOTA Contest ( 24H, CW ) from Poel Island.
EU-132. (Special Event). Look for station HF1UKF to be active during
the 40th Polish VHF Convention, June 10-17th, from Miedzyzdroje
on Wolin Island (SP Island Award SZ-02, WW Loc JO73FW). There
will be two stations on the air, one on HF 160-10 meters on
CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK and the second on 50/144/432/1296 MHz. QSL
via bureau to SP1MVG.
EA-132. Rafal, SP6TPM, will be active as 3Z0WI from Wolin Island
June 14-17th. Activity will be on CW/SSB. QSL via SP4KIE.
EU-186. Rafal, SP6TPM, will be active from Gokceada as TA0/SP6TPM/m
from June 26-28th June. QSL via CBA. For more information,
check the web page:
NA-045. A group of 7 hams from Quintana Roo will be active from Contoy
Island on June 21-22nd. They will be active as XF3CI on 80-10
meters SSB, CW and RTTY. This is a first time operation from
this national park island. QSL Manager is XE3OYJ. Send direct
to Box 1883, Cancun, Q. Roo. 77501 MEXICO or via the bureau.
NA-144. Henry, KC6VNA, will be active from Santa Rosa Island, June
17-19th. Activity will be SSB QRP on 14260 kHz. QSL via K6FQ.
SA-077. The first Brazilian amateur radio DXpedition to Frances Island,
in the Santana Archipelago, which is located at the opposite
side of the city of Macae in the east coast of the State of
Rio de Janeiro (Lat: 22"24'S - Long: 41"41'W. Loc: GG97do),
will take place July 5-8th. This will be a full time operation
on 80-6 meters CW/SSB, including the newer bands, depending on
propagation. The callsigns and operators are: PU1NEZ/p (Carl),
PY1AMF/p (Mar), PY1LVF/p (Zeca), PY1NEW/p (Pete) and PY1NEZ/p
(Lima). QSL via their home callsign or through the Bureau.
Suggested frequencies are (+/- 10 KHz):
Ric, DL2VFR, Editor of IOTA-POST, states to check the following Web
page for IOTA Contest operations:
Neville, G3NUG, Chairman of CDXC (Chiltern DX Club), The UK DX Foundation,
reports that 232 applications for the IOTA 2000 certificates have been
processed to date. The winners, by category, are shown on the CDXC web
pages at:
QSL REQUEST. Stations VO7A, VO1W, and VO1X were active in the CQ
WPX CW Contest. Does anyone have QSL info for these unusual callsigns?
3B6RF UPDATE: Steve, N3SL, informs OPDX that he now has the "official"
logs from 3B6RF after the cleanup. The cleanup was able to happen
thanks to the forethought of Riki, 4X4NJ, to have paper (log) backups.
Steve states in case some other errors in band or mode were missed,
he will be happy to accept requests for log checks from anyone who
still sees a discrepancy. Steve's E-mail address is:
Cards are still on track to be delivered to the group at Friedrichshafen
(the last weekend of June), so Steve expects the N.A. batch to arrive
stateside in mid-July. They will start going out as soon as possible.
The label program is ready, and the cards are sorted. People should
expect them no earlier than late July-early August.
6W1/F5PHW and J28BS LOGS ONLINE. Phil, F5PHW, informs OPDX that his
logs for his old DXpeditions are now available. For his J28BS operation
(January 1993, October-November 1994, April 1999) go to the Web page:
Jean, F6AJA, reports that all direct requests for F6BFH/P from Molene
Island are now on their way. Also, all HPx/F5PAC direct requests from
Joel are on the way.
Lot, DJ7ZG, informs OPDX that direct QSLs for both him and his XYL
as HI9/DJ7ZG and HI9/DL7AFS in March 2001, have been sent out. They
made 16500 QSOs. QSLs for their ZB2 and EA9 operation in April/May
2001, are now at the printers'. They made 13300 QSOs. All QSLs are
via Babs, DL7AFS. Their home page includes their logs at:
FG/RW3QC was active from Guadeloupe Island in the CQ WPX CW Contest.
QSL via bureau or direct to RN3OA: Igor Zakharov, P.O. Box 381,
Voronezh, 394000, Russia.
QSLs for J6/LA4LN and J73ALN (December 2000/January 2001) received
before April 1st have all been answered. QSLs received after that date
will hopefully be answered before Tom, LA4LN, leaves for JW. NOTE:
Postage in Norway will be increased 25% July 1st. After that date
one "green stamp" will no longer cover the postage for one QSL card
from Norway.
A QSL MANAGER'S QSL MANAGER! Well known QSL Manager Steve, KU9C,
announced this week that he will have the honor of serving as W3HNK's
QSL Manager (yes, that isn't a mistake!) for his operation earlier
this year in FS5/PJ7. Steve states, "To put a face along with one of
the more famous calls in the hobby of DXing, I've done a picture QSL
card ..... and I've just received delivery information on the card.
I expect to have the card in hand around June 20th....and expect to
have all of the direct QSL requests out by the end of June.
The station signing TM6JUN, which was active until June 10th from
Utah Beach, is to be QSLed via F2RO.
Edwin, ZS5BBO, will be going QRT beginning about June 23rd for a
few months. The reason is that Edwin and Janet/ZS5JAN have bought
a new QTH and will be relocating. Edwin also states, that his
QSL Manager duties will also take a break as well while they
settle down. However, he mentions that he posted a couple hundred
cards recently. So if you have sent a card for any of the callsigns
listed below, please don't send another card as your cards will be
answered. Please be patient. Edwin is the QSL Manager for the
following: ZS5BBO, ZS5JAN, ZS5T, ZS3MM, 7Q7BO, GM3WOJ, GM7V, GM8V
and GZ7V.
HamCom 2001, Arlington, TX, USA - June 8-10th - Meet Martti/OH2BH and
Dennis/K7BV during the HamCom.
Friedrichshafen - Ham Radio Fair 2001, Germany - June 29th-July 1st-
Meet Ari/OH1EH, Timo/OH1NOA, Dennis/K7BV and Jari/OH2BU.
Hietahami 2001 - Oulu, Finland - July 5-8th - Meet several WRTC2002
representatives in the official summer camp of the Finnish Amateur
Radio League - the biggest annual ham radio event in Finland.
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME (provided by John, K8YSE):
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to:
Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers
From: "K2JXW - Weidner Publishing" {}
Dear Editor:
Any publicity you can give our NLLW and ILLW lighthouse operating events
would be appreciated. Full details can be found on our web pages.
(1) National Lighthouse / Lightship Weekend -- NLLW
August 4 & 5, 2001. Guidelines are on the web page
(2) International Lighthouse / Lightship Weekend -- ILLW
August 18 & 19, 2001. Guidelines are on the web page
Our main web site is at and it contains our stated
purposes in sponsoring expeditions to remote lighthouses as well as details
about our worldwide organization, the largest ham radio society devoted to
lighthouse/lightship operations. Membership details and FAQs are also
accessible from this main page.
For more information, contact Jim Weidner, K2JXW at
HK0, MALPELO ISLAND. Just before going to print (or should I say getting
ready to hit the "SEND KEY"), OPDX received word that Jairo/HK5MQZ and
Hiro/HK5QGX set sail Sunday from Buenaventura aboard a Colombian Naval
Force towards Malpelo Island, and the duo is expected to land early in
the morning of June 13th. Possibly starting the operation on the same day
(this was not made clear). However, on June 16th, they should be operational
on all bands 80-6 meters. They plan to climb on top of a mountain to try
to improve conditions towards the U.S. West Coast and also the Pacific,
mainly to Japan. The 80/40/30 meter bands will be operated with wire
dipoles and an amplifier, and the others bands with yagis. Jairo will
operate as HK5MQZ/OM on SSB. QSLs only via HK5MQZ (Jairo Vargas,
P.O. BOX 10862, Cali, Colombia). Hiro will sign HK5QGX/OM (operating
on CW only). QSL via JA0MGR. They will reply QSLs directly ONLY, and
since the Colombian postal rates have risen, please send two green stamps
or 2 IRCs. Suggested frequencies are:
SSB - 3745, 7088, 14195, 18145, 21195, 24945, 28495, 50110
Jacques, F6BUM, will be here from September
2-27th. He will also be active from Ste Marie Island (AF-090) from September
3-7th and from Nosy Be (AF-057) from September 23-26th.
Terry, BD7NQ, informs OPDX that they are planning to run a
China DX Net once a week. They would like to let many DX stations work
China and help more China DXers and novices work DX. The net will run
on frequency 21410 kHz, the time will start at 1300z or 2300z on Saturday.
They will pick up a better time depending on the propagation. They welcome
any DX station checking in to their net and making a QSO with any China
station. To search for QSL information on Chinese stations, go to URL:
Members of the University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club
will be active from Eleuthera in the Bahamas (NA-001) from July 13-22nd.
Mike/KJ4Z, Dan/K2VOL and Bret/K4TKE will be signing portable home calls
and will be active on 80-10 meters SSB, CW, and RTTY. Their logs and
photos will be available during the expedition on the group's web site
Glen/K0JGH and XYL Pamela/N0ICF will be active and
on a holiday near Funchal, Maderia, June 20-26th. Activity will be on
the WARC bands, RTTY, with some SSTV and PSK31 between sightseeing and
pooltime. Their equipment will be IC-706, with a 6 band dipole with
coverage from 30-10 meters, a laptop with writelog and MixW software for
all the modes.
Yves, F6CTL, will be on Rangiroa Island (OC-066)
from mid-June to mid-July and probably will sign FO/F6CTL. He will be
with Alain, FO0CLA, who is the QSL Manager for.
There will be plenty of Thai hams active in the All Asian
CW Contest next weekend. Look for the following operators/callsigns to be
Yong, HS4BPQ - Single Op/21 MHz/Low Power
Choon, E20HHK - Single Op/28 MHz/Low Power
Son, HS6NDK - Single Op/14 MHz/Low Power
Nut, E20RRW - Single Op/ 7 MHz/Low Power
Champ, E21EIC - Single Op/Multi-band/Low power (Look for him
on 3524 kHz at 1930-2230z.
E21EIC, address: Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O.BOX 1090, Kasetsart,
Bangkok 10903 THAILAND.
AS-NEW. Rafal, SP6TPM, will be joining the TA2KI crew on Kefken Island,
which will take place from June 23-25th. This operation is
subject to receiving special permision from local authorities
to enter the island which is under military control.
CW - 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24920, 28040, 50100
SSB - 3755, 7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28460, 50100
JD1BFA was active over the past weekend on 40/20/15 meters
CW. Check 15 meters between 2230-0130z. Check 20 meters after 1115z, but
40 meters before this time. QSL via JA3EMU.
Tom, LA4LN, will again be operating as JW4LN
from Spitsbergen (IOTA EU-26) and Bear Island (IOTA EU-27) July 6-23rd,
while on business. He will be on the radio mainly in the evenings (local
time) and when time permits. Check the lower CW portions, especially on
the 40/30/20 meters bands; and 6 meters (50110 +/- 10 kHz). His equipment
will be an ICOM IC-706 MkII with mainly wire antennas. Operations on
PSK-31 and RTTY are possible. While on Bear Island, a 60 Ah battery and
solar panels will be used for power. Please QSL direct to Tom's home
address: Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box 15 Kjelsas, N-0411 OSLO, NORWAY.
The planning continues by Pat/W5OZI and
Dale/AA5XE, who will operate from here during the period of June 29th
through July 5th, as KG4ZI and KG4XE, respectively. QSL to their home
callsign. Please refer to OPDX.514 for more details.
An operation from Cabo Sao Roque Lighthouse (DFB RN-06,
LH ??? for the WLH Award) is planned on June 13-17th. Look for PQ7ZZ to
be active on all bands SSB, RTTY, PSK and CW. Operators will be PS7ZZ,
PS7HF, PS7KC and possibly others (to be confirmed). QSL via PS7ZZ:
Francisco EdvaldoP de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31 - Conj Jiqui,
59086-500 Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
Wade/AA8LL and Liz/K8LIZ have planned a holiday operation
from here June 15-17th. They will sign MD/AA8LL and MD/K8LIZ on 40-10
meters SSB. Wade requests, "Please be gentle with the YL operator as
this is her first time." QSL to home callsigns.
Tom/AE9B and Marty/NW0L will be active from
this area with one of the PJ2T guys during the WAE Contest, September
8-9th. You can look for them to be active the week prior as PJ2/AE9B and
QSL REQUEST ANSWERED. Last week OPDX was asked to find out what the
QSL status of the XR0ZY operation that took place in April 2000.
Apparently, many throughout the world have received their QSL card
with no problem. XR0ZY was an operation by KM9D. The QSL Manager
is OM2SA: Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Republic of Slovakia,
Laurent, F8BBL, will be active as SV9/F8BBL from June 25th
through July 2nd. Activity will be on 160-10 meters CW/SSB/FM. He will
use an IC-706MKII (100w) with a 80m longwire into AH4 ICOM. Suggested
frequencies are:
CW - 1833, 3533, 7033, 10133, 14033, 18083, 21033, 24903 and 28033
SSB - 1843, 3833, 7083, 14133, 18133, 21133, 24933 and 28133
FM - 29533 kHz
QSL via French Bureau or direct to CBA 2001.
Bill, VK4FW, informed
the DX community that they have lost some of the operators who were
going on this dxpedition. Primarily, most of them have not been able to
get the necessary time off work. If you would like to go on this trip,
please E-mail Bill direct at:
Dates for the operation are September 1-19th. Each operator is paying
2500 USD for their spot without personal expenses. Most of the equipment
is secure and finalized. The primary goal of this operation is to make
sure that anyone who needs this for a new one will get in the log at
least once. Time is short. If you would like to go, you will need to
E-mail Bill now.
Ari, OH1EH, reports the following: "If you are looking
for an opportunity to meet the WRTC2002 representatives, some of them will
visit several hamventions and meetings in the near future. Some of these
happenings will have a separate WRTC stand where contributions to the
WRTC2002 are warmly accepted. Meet the WRTC2002 representatives as follows:
(HamCom schedule: )
Mark, KM6HB, will again be operating
from the South Cook Islands from August 7-17th. He will visit a few of
their IOTAs while there signing ZK1AHB. His schedule is as follows:
August 7-8th - Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC-013
August 9-11th - Mangaia Island, IOTA OC-159
August 11-16th - Autituki Atoll, IOTA OC-083
August 17th - Back to Rarotonga Island
Operations will be on all modes including RTTY and PSK31 with activity
on 40-6 meters. QSL via KM6HB or W6 Bureau.
Jim, W2RA, will be back in Iqaluit on Baffin Island (NA-047),
June 11-17th and plans to be on the air as his work schedule permits.
Activity will be mainly 20 and 17 meter CW, and possibly 30 and 15 meter
CW depending on propagation. Iqaluit is at 63.75N 68.50W. Sunrise 0643Z,
sunset 0225Z. QSL via W2RA.
Edwin/ZS5BBO and Gary/ZS5NK will be active in the
HF World Championships in July. They will be operating on all bands
on phone only using the callsign ZS5T. QSL via ZS5BBO.
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To: {}
Subject: Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS)
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 01:12:46 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
The ARLHS is the world's largest amateur radio society devoted exclusively
to ham radio and lighthouses. Less than a year old, our membership already
totals several hundred worldwide, with an average of 2 new members being
added every day. In addition to sponsoring expeditions to lighthouses and
lightships around the world on a weekly basis, we also sponsor four operating
events throughout the year. The next events are the immensely popular NLLW
and ILLW annual operating events. (The latter event is in co-sponsorship
with GM4SUC.) We offer an extensive lighthouse awards program and maintain
perhaps the internet's largest and most complete list of the lighthouses and
lightships of the world.
AB5K AR-Cluster Network
DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
For the week of Sunday, 3/Jun - Saturday, 9/Jun
Nmbr Nmbr Band of Days of
DXCC Stations Spots Activity the Week Modes
---- ------- ----- ----------------------------- ------------- ----------
3A 10 27 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 .T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8 5 30 .30.20. .15.12. M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9 1 16 . M. .W. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
3C 3 11 .15. .6 M.T.W. CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2 6 28 .20. .15. .T.W.T.F. .SSB.
3DA 2 43 .20. .15. .10. M.T.W. .S CW. .RTTY
3V 2 4 .20. .F. .S .SSB.
3W 4 117 .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
4J 3 19 .20.17.15. M.T. .T.F. .S CW. .RTTY
4L 14 29 .40. .20.17.15. M.T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
4S 8 38 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
4W 3 31 .20. .15. .6 .T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
4X 37 118 160. . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
5A 3 39 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M. .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
5B 10 57 .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
5H 1 10 160. .20.17.15. M. .W. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
5N 6 14 .20.17.15. .10. M. .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
5R 8 205 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
5Z 4 13 .15.12.10. .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y 2 4 .17.15. .T.F. .SSB.
7Q 4 26 . .6 M. .W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
7X 5 53 . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
8P 2 2 .20. .15. .W.T. CW. .RTTY
8Q 1 18 .17.15.12. .T.W.T.F.S. CW. .RTTY
8R 6 21 .40. .20. .15. .10. M.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
9A 34 79 160. . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
9G 3 117 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
9H 18 57 .80. . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
9J 4 35 . .10.6 M.T.W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
9K 10 36 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
9M2 6 24 . .T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6 2 20 .15. M.T.W. .S .SSB.
9N 1 2 .10. .T. .SSB.
9Q 1 12 .15. .W. CW. .RTTY
9V 6 70 .20.17.15. M.T.W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y 3 3 .20. .10.6 M.T. CW.SSB.RTTY
A2 1 14 .15.12.10. M. .F.S.S .SSB.
A4 7 72 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
A6 4 11 .20. M. .F. .SSB.
A7 1 2 .15. .F. .SSB.
A9 1 14 . M.T.W.T. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY
AP 6 41 . M.T.W.T.F. .S .SSB.
BV 21 70 . .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
BY 27 67 . .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
C3 2 12 .20. .15. M. .W. .F. .SSB.
C6 3 10 .15. .6 M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
C9 2 23 .20. .15.12.10. .T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
CE 12 16 .40. .20.17.15. .10. M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9 2 25 .80.40. .20.17.15. M.T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
CM 13 32 .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
CN 13 104 . .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
CP 2 6 .80.40. .17. .10. M.T. .F. .S .SSB.
CT 35 112 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3 5 11 .20. .12.10.6 M.T.W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
CU 10 47 .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
CX 15 48 160.80.40. .20. .15. .10. M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
D2 1 16 .15. .10. M. .W.T. .S CW. .RTTY
D4 2 24 .20.17.15. M. .W.T.F. .S .SSB.
DL 189 328 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
DU 17 51 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
EA 151 325 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6 12 29 .15. .6 M.T. .T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8 17 75 . .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9 5 54 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
EI 22 77 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
EK 3 14 .20.17.15. M.T. .T. .S .SSB.
EP 4 16 .20. .15. M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ER 10 21 .40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ES 10 10 .20. .15.12. .6 .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ET 1 3 .15. .W. .SSB.
EU 17 40 160. . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
EX 9 49 . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
EY 2 8 .30. .17. M.T. .T.F. CW. .RTTY
EZ 7 13 .40. .15. .10. M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
F 117 373 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
FG 4 18 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ 1 3 .20. .12. .S .SSB.
FK 7 19 .30.20. .15. M.T.W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY
FM 6 15 .30.20. .15.12. M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
FO 3 3 .17. M. .F. CW.SSB.RTTY
FP 1 3 .15. M. .SSB.
FR 9 46 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
FW 1 5 .40. .20. .15. .6 .T. .T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY
FY 5 14 .80.40. .20.17.15. .10. M. .W. .S.S .SSB.
G 104 183 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
GD 5 27 .17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
GI 13 27 .40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ 5 22 . .6 .T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
GM 29 83 .80.40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
GU 4 31 .20.17. .6 M.T. .T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
GW 14 35 .80.40. .17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HA 26 59 .40. .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HB 28 40 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0 6 46 160. .40. . M.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HC 4 12 .20.17.15. .10. M. .W.T. CW.SSB.RTTY
HI 2 12 . .12.10. .T.W.T.F.S. CW. .RTTY
HK 12 16 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a 2 8 .30.20.17. .T. .T. .S.S CW. .RTTY
HL 59 280 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
HP 2 6 .15.12. M. .T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HR 1 4 .20. .T. CW. .RTTY
HS 11 52 .20. .15. .10. M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
HV 4 42 .15. .6 M.T.W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ 7 41 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T. .T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
I 211 453 .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
IS 18 65 . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
J2 4 33 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
J6 2 2 .15. .F. .SSB.
J7 1 2 .20. M. .T. .SSB.
JA 136 230 160. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/o 4 40 .40. .20. .15. .6 .W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
JT 6 129 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
JW 29 765 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
JX 1 4 .40. .15. .F. .S .SSB.
JY 5 50 .30.20. .15. .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
K 331 515 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4 2 2 .6 .S .SSB.
KH0 1 1 .20. .S .SSB.
KH2 3 8 .20. .15. M. .F. .S .SSB.
KH6 6 9 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8 2 5 .20. .15. .W. .F. .SSB.
KL 10 15 .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2 2 2 .20. .15. .T. .S .SSB.
KP4 13 20 .40. . M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
LA 41 86 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
LU 33 53 .80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
LX 14 24 .80. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
LY 11 17 .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ 41 98 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
OA 4 12 .20.17.15. M. .W. .F. .S .SSB.
OD 12 81 .20. .15. .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
OE 33 50 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
OH 33 66 .80. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
OK 34 61 . .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
OM 17 25 . .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ON 48 98 .80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
OX 4 6 .15. .6 M. .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
OY 6 149 .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ 48 182 . .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
P2 2 38 . .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
P4 9 59 . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW. .RTTY
PA 72 137 .40. . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2 1 1 .12. .W. CW. .RTTY
PJ7 4 19 .20.17.15. M.T.W.T.F. .S .SSB.
PY 51 123 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
PZ 2 11 .20.17. .6 .W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ 1 2 .20. .T. CW. .RTTY
S2 1 16 .15. M.T.W. .S .SSB.
S5 33 102 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
S9 1 2 .20. M. .S .SSB.
SM 64 124 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
SP 53 108 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
SU 6 67 .17.15.12. .6 M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
SV 46 225 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5 13 158 160. . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9 15 121 . M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
T32 1 7 .80. .30. .17. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
T7 6 17 .40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T. .T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
T9 12 23 .40. .20. .15. .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
TA 23 57 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
TF 9 22 . .6 M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
TG 2 7 .20.17.15. M. .F. .S .SSB.
TI 11 22 .20.17.15. .T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
TK 8 19 160. .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
TL 1 2 .15. .T. CW. .RTTY
TT 2 23 . M. .W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
TU 3 12 .17.15. M. .W. CW.SSB.RTTY
UA 90 136 160.80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2 4 4 .20. .15. M. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9 55 115 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
UN 18 29 .40. . .6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
UR 70 168 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
V3 1 1 .20. .S .SSB.
V4 5 12 .20.17.15. M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
V5 2 22 .30.20. .15.12.10. M.T.W. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
V6 1 6 .15. .S .SSB.
V7 3 5 160. .40. .10.6 M.T. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
V8 1 2 .20. .T. .SSB.
VE 53 118 . .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
VK 55 71 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E 2 3 .15. .10. M. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2V 2 3 .20.17. .12. M. .W. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY
VP5 2 62 . M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
VP6 1 1 .40. .T.
VP9 3 3 .20.17. .12. .W.T.F. .SSB.
VQ9 3 21 . M.T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
VR 8 19 . .6 M.T.W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY
VU 23 89 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
XE 20 35 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
XU 1 1 .20. .S
XW 2 57 .20.17.15. .10. M.T.W. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
XZ 1 3 .20. .S .SSB.
YB 32 59 .80.40. .20.17.15. M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
YI 2 8 .15. .F. .S .SSB.
YK 2 2 .20. .15. M. .T. CW. .RTTY
YL 9 21 .80.40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
YN 1 12 .15. .W.T. .SSB.
YO 41 67 .80. . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
YS 3 5 .20. .6 M. .W. .S. .SSB.
YU 32 95 .40. .20.17.15. .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
YV 13 20 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2 5 12 .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T. .S .SSB.
Z3 11 48 . .6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA 7 48 .80. .30.20. .15.12. M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ZB 8 32 . M.T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4 2 16 .15. .10. .T.W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7 4 5 .20. .15. M. .F. .S .SSB.
ZD8 2 2 .6 .S CW. .RTTY
ZF 3 17 .20. .15. .6 .W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s 2 4 .17. .12.10. .S.S .SSB.
ZP 6 16 .40. .15. .10. .T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS 28 67 .30.20. . M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 3705 Tot Spots: 11471 Spotter of the week: PY2YU (85 spots)
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