Welcome to the Northern Ohio DX Association

Our Field Day 2017 QSL Card

The Northern Ohio DX Assocation is a DX club in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Although most of the membership live in northern Ohio, there are members from around the world! The club sponsors a voice repeater on 147.36 MHz +600 kHz. Our new club callsign is W8DXA (ex KB8ZAL). NODXA offers an AWARD for contacting our members that you will want to receive for your collection. The club also offers DXCC and Honor Roll Patches for your shirt or jacket. But the most important reason for having a DX club is to promote DX'ing. Although we are small, a percentage of our finances goes toward helping DXpeditions. Some of our members have financed their own dxpeditions as well. We publish a monthly newsletter that is packed with DX info and happenings. If you want to join us, you can download an Application with all of the particulars.
Our current meeting place is:
Amici Italian Restaurant& Bar, in North Royalton: Address is 13000 Royalton Road. Easy to get to and right on the northeast corner at Route 82 and W.130th Street. Those who use I-71 will go east for about 2 miles instead of west now missing all the mall traffic.

Meetings are on the first Mondy of the month uless a holday conflicts and the meeting is moved to the second Monday of the month.

Come for dinner at 5pm, Meeting starts at 6:30

NODXA Club Officers

Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW
President, NODXA

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, is the editor of the OPDX Bulletin distributed on the Internet and packet clusters around the world. Tedd spends countless hours on making this free bulletin one of the best! He is also our NODXA president. Recently he received an appointment to the DX Advisory Committee. DX is certainly one of the biggest things in Tedd's life. With all of his activities, its a wonder that he has time to work DX! I don't always agree with his philosophies, but you have to respect his dedication to the pursuit of excellence in DX'ing. You can contact Tedd at kb8nw@arrl.net.

Dennis Stuber K8LBT
Vice President, NODXA

Dennis K8LBT, is our NODXA Vice President. Dennis is a very active DX'er and close to being on the Honor Roll. He has a very nice station with a Pro 67B antenna on a 54' HyGain Crank Up Tower. Dennis's email is k8lbt@arrl.net

Glenn Williams, AF8C
Secretary, NODXA

Glenn, AF8C, is our NODXA Secretary.
Glenn's main duty as Secretary is to take those meeting notes that are transformed into the permanent record of what actually happened and who said what. His minutes can be found in the NODXA Newsletter Glenn's email is af8c@arrl.net

Mary Michaelis N8DMM
Treasurer, NODXA

Mary, N8DMM is our NODXA Treasurer. She makes sure that we don't spend more than we have and is in charge of developing our yearly budget. She also makes sure that everyone pays their dues every year. Even W8JGU does not escape this annual event. As you can see from the picture, she works on towers with her OM, Pete, N8TR (ex N8ATR), (n8tr@adelphia.net). Note that she is standing on the ground.

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